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How to count every checked checkboxes

Here is my code :

It actually count checked checkboxes and write it inside <span class="counter"></span>. This code works on Firefox, but not on Chrome.

On Chrome, the .select_all check all checkboxes I want, but doesn't update the counter. Actually counter get updated when I uncheck the .select_all, which is weird.

IMPORTANT FACT: I don't want to count the .Select_all checkboxes inside my .counter

jQuery(document).ready(function($){  $(function() {     $('#general i .counter').text(' ');      var generallen = $("#general-content input[name='wpmm[]']:checked").length;     if(generallen>0){$("#general i .counter").text('('+generallen+')');}else{$("#general i .counter").text(' ');} })  $("#general-content input:checkbox").on("change", function() {     var len = $("#general-content input[name='wpmm[]']:checked").length;     if(len>0){$("#general i .counter").text('('+len+')');}else{$("#general i .counter").text(' ');} });   $(function() {     $('.select_all').change(function() {         var checkthis = $(this);         var checkboxes = $(this).parent().next('ul').find("input[name='wpmm[]']");          if(checkthis.is(':checked')) {             checkboxes.attr('checked', true);         } else {             checkboxes.attr('checked', false);         }     }); });  }); 

EDIT: Here is a example document of the code : http://jsfiddle.net/8PVDy/1/

like image 667
hawkidoki Avatar asked Feb 06 '13 09:02


People also ask

How do I count a checkmark in Google Sheets?

When you use checkboxes in Google Sheets, they have default values of True if checked and False if unchecked. This is the indicator you include in the formula with the COUNTIF function. The COUNTIF function allows you to count values in cells based on criteria.

How many checkboxes we can check at a time?

So user can select as many checkboxes they want but sum can't exceed 10.

1 Answers

You can use a function to update the counter :

function updateCounter() {     var len = $("#general-content input[name='wpmm[]']:checked").length;     if(len > 0){        $("#general i .counter").text('('+len+')');     } else {         $("#general i .counter").text(' ');     } } 

and call this function when a checkbox's state is changed (including the selectAll checkboxes)

Here is an updated jsFiddle : http://jsfiddle.net/8PVDy/4/

like image 172
gabitzish Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10
