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How to count consecutive ordered values on pandas data frame




I'm trying to get the max count of consecutive 0 values from a given data frame with id,date,value columns from a data frame on pandas which look's like that:

id    date       value
354   2019-03-01 0
354   2019-03-02 0
354   2019-03-03 0
354   2019-03-04 5
354   2019-03-05 5 
354   2019-03-09 7
354   2019-03-10 0
357   2019-03-01 5
357   2019-03-02 5
357   2019-03-03 8
357   2019-03-04 0
357   2019-03-05 0
357   2019-03-06 7
357   2019-03-07 7
540   2019-03-02 7
540   2019-03-03 8
540   2019-03-04 9
540   2019-03-05 8
540   2019-03-06 7
540   2019-03-07 5
540   2019-03-08 2 
540   2019-03-09 3
540   2019-03-10 2

The desired result will be grouped by the Id and will look like this:

id   max_consecutive_zeros
354  3
357  2
540  0

I've achieved what i want with a for but it gets really slow when you are working with huge pandas dataframes, i've found some similar solutions but it didn't work with my problem at all.

like image 971
Wel Avatar asked Nov 06 '22 15:11


2 Answers

Create groupID m for consecutive rows of same value. Next, groupby on id and m and call value_counts, and .loc on multiindex to slice only 0 value of the right-most index level. Finally, filter out duplicates index by duplicated in id and reindex to create 0 value for id having no 0 count

m = df.value.diff().ne(0).cumsum().rename('gid')    
#Consecutive rows having the same value will be assigned same IDNumber by this command. 
#It is the way to identify a group of consecutive rows having the same value, so I called it groupID.

df1 = df.groupby(['id', m]).value.value_counts().loc[:,:,0].droplevel(-1)
#this groupby groups consecutive rows of same value per ID into separate groups.
#within each group, count number of each value and `.loc` to pick specifically only `0` because we only concern on the count of value `0`.

df1[~df1.index.duplicated()].reindex(df.id.unique(), fill_value=0)
#There're several groups of value `0` per `id`. We want only group of highest count. 
#`value_count` already sorted number of count descending, so we just need to pick 
#the top one of duplicates by slicing on True/False mask of `duplicated`.
#finally, `reindex` adding any `id` doesn't have value 0 in original `df`.
#Note: `id` is the column `id` in `df`. It is different from groupID `m` we create to use with groupby

354    3
357    2
540    0
Name: value, dtype: int64
like image 191
Andy L. Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 20:11

Andy L.

Here is one way we need to create the additional key for groupby then , just need groupby this key and id

s=df.groupby('id').value.apply(lambda x : x.ne(0).cumsum())
354    3
357    2
540    0
dtype: int64
like image 36
BENY Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 20:11