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How to correctly redirect website from http to https without losing Google Indexing

I have recently added SSL support for an old Rails 2.3.1 website. I have the following code to redirect from http to https:

Application Controller:

  before_filter :need_ssl


  def need_ssl
    if RAILS_ENV=="production"
      redirect_to "https://#{request.host}#{request.request_uri}" unless request.ssl? 

However I got a message from Google:

Approximately 80% of your HTTP pages that were indexed before migration can no longer be found in either your HTTP or HTTPS site

I looked and found that 572 had been excluded from indexing because of the redirect.

How can I then add the correct code for redirecting so I don't lose the indexing?

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chell Avatar asked Sep 23 '18 10:09


2 Answers

This is what I normally do to migrate my website to https.

Redirect all http traffic to https with 301 redirect in my nginx configure

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  myawesomewebsite.com;
    return 301   https://myawesomewebsite.com$request_uri;

Enable force_ssl in config/application.rb

config.force_ssl = true

Edit: Thank you all for voting my answer. But please also check @agilejoshua 's answer since he put a lot of useful information.

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H Dox Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10

H Dox

Google guidelines

Google has specific guidelines for moving a site to start using SSL

Use server-side 301 redirects

Redirect your users and search engines to the HTTPS page or resource with server-side 301 HTTP redirects.


Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS

If you migrate your site from HTTP to HTTPS, Google treats this simply as a site move with URL changes. This can temporarily affect some of your traffic numbers.


This counts as a site move with URL change

Site move with URL changes

The page URLs change.

For example: The protocol changes — http://www.example.com to https://www.example.com


Expect temporary fluctuation in site ranking during the move.

With any significant change to a site, you may experience ranking fluctuations while Google recrawls and reindexes your site. As a general rule, a medium-sized website can take a few weeks for most pages to move in our index; larger sites can take longer. The speed at which Googlebot and our systems discover and process moved URLs largely depends on the number of URLs and your server speed. Submitting a sitemap can help make the discovery process quicker, and it's fine to move your site in sections.


Redirecting in Ruby

So in your case you want to ensure that you use 301 redirects. By default redirect_to uses 302 in Ruby.

v2.3: https://api.rubyonrails.org/v2.3/classes/ActionController/Base.html#M001811

v5.2.1: https://api.rubyonrails.org/v5.2.1/classes/ActionController/Redirecting.html#method-i-redirect_to

The redirection happens as a 302 Found header unless otherwise specified using the :status option:

Updated code for Rails 2.3

redirect_to("https://#{request.host}#{request.request_uri}", :status => 301) unless request.ssl? 

Alternative code for Rails 3.1+

Use force_ssl as specified in https://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/configuring.html

config.force_ssl forces all requests to be served over HTTPS by using the ActionDispatch::SSL middleware, and sets config.action_mailer.default_url_options to be { protocol: 'https' }.

config.force_ssl = true

Indexing issues

But you may still experience temporary issues with indexing. To help google find your new HTTPS pages faster you should create a sitemap with your new HTTPS pages and add it to Google Search Console https://search.google.com/search-console/about.

See https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/183668 for details of the sitemap formats that Google accepts.

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agilejoshua Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 05:10
