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How to correctly create a SynchronizedStack class?

I made a simple synchronized Stack object in Java, just for training purposes. Here is what I did:

public class SynchronizedStack {
    private ArrayDeque<Integer> stack;

    public SynchronizedStack(){
        this.stack = new ArrayDeque<Integer>();     

    public synchronized Integer pop(){
        return this.stack.pop();

    public synchronized int forcePop(){
            System.out.println("    Stack is empty");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return this.stack.pop();

    public synchronized void push(int i){

    public boolean isEmpty(){
        return this.stack.isEmpty();

    public synchronized void pushAll(int[] d){
        for(int i = 0; i < d.length; i++){

    public synchronized String toString(){
        String s = "[";
        Iterator<Integer> it = this.stack.iterator();   
            s += it.next() + ", ";
        s += "]";
        return s;

Here are my questions:

  • Is it OK not to synchronize the isEmtpy() method? I figured it was because even if another Thread is modifying the stack at the same time, it would still return a coherent result (there is no operation that goes into a isEmpty state that is neither initial or final). Or is it a better design to have all the methods of a synchronized object synchronized?

  • I don't like the forcePop() method. I just wanted to create a thread that was able to wait until an item was pushed into the stack before poping an element, and I thought the best option was to do the loop with the wait() in the run() method of the thread, but I can't because it throws an IllegalMonitorStatException. What is the proper method to do something like this?

  • Any other comment/suggestion?

Thank you!

like image 365
nbarraille Avatar asked Feb 02 '11 16:02


People also ask

Is stack synchronized in Java?

Stack is a direct subclass of Vector; this means that similarly to its superclass, it's a synchronized implementation.

What is a synchronized class?

synchronized(X. class) is used to make sure that there is exactly one Thread in the block. synchronized(this) ensures that there is exactly one thread per instance. If this makes the actual code in the block thread-safe depends on the implementation. If mutate only state of the instance synchronized(this) is enough.

Can we have synchronized class in Java?

Synchronized static methods are synchronized on the class object of the class the synchronized static method belongs to. Since only one class object exists in the Java VM per class, only one thread can execute inside a static synchronized method in the same class.

1 Answers

  • Stack itself is already synchronized, so it doesn't make sense to apply synchronization again (use ArrayDeque if you want a non-synchronized stack implementation)

  • It's NOT OK (aside from the fact from the previous point), because lack of synchronization may cause memory visibility effects.

  • forcePop() is pretty good. Though it should pass InterruptedException without catching it to follow the contract of interruptable blocking method. It would allow you to interrupt a thread blocked at forcePop() call by calling Thread.interrupt().

like image 183
axtavt Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 01:10
