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How to copy formatted code to clipboard in VS Code

In Visual Studio Code, is it possible to copy selected code to the clipboard with the syntax highlighting? I want to be able to paste into a Word doc or e-mail.

Regular Visual Studio does this by default (it puts both text and RTF formats on the clipboard).

I see that I can "Toggle Developer Tools" and locate the div (with class="view-lines") that has the code, so maybe there is a way to use that chunk of html, but I don't see an easy way to just copy the formatted code and paste into Word or an e-mail.

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Thomas Avatar asked Feb 26 '16 20:02


People also ask

How do I copy formatting code in Visual Studio?

Go to Tools -> Options. type copy in the search box. Under Text Editor -> Advanced ... Check Copy rich text on copy/cut.

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“copy paste above line in vs code” Code AnswerOn Windows: Shift + Alt + Up/Down. On Mac: Shift + Option + Up/Down. On Ubuntu: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Up/Down.

How do you copy a style code?

Select the portion of code you'd like to copy, then go the Edit menu and select Copy Special -> Copy as RTF. Your code, complete with syntax highlighting colors, is now stored on the clipboard. Simply press Ctrl + V in your other application to paste the code with syntax highlighting. It's that simple!

How do I copy code snippets in VS Code?

Open code file or select code snippet in Text Editor, then press F1 and then select/type Copy Syntax , or right click the Text Editor and then click Copy Syntax in context menu, the code with syntax highlight will copy to clipboard.

2 Answers

According to the 1.10 changelog : https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_10#_copy-with-syntax-highlighting

It is now possible with that command : editor.action.clipboardCopyWithSyntaxHighlightingAction

Type/paste it in command box (ctrl+shift+p or F1)

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Mistermatt Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 22:10


Use the command "Copy With Syntax Highlighting".

  1. Highlight the code
  2. Ctrl + Shift + p to open the Command Palette
  3. Type / Select Copy With Syntax Highlighting

It is available since VS Code v1.43 (Feb 2020), as @robert4 mentioned in comment.

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yhd.leung Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 23:10
