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How to copy files from kubernetes Pods to local system

I'm trying to copy files from Kubernetes Pods to my local system. I am getting the below error while running following command:

kubectl cp aks-ssh2-6cd4948f6f-fp9tl:/home/azureuser/test.cap ./test.cap 


tar: home/azureuser/test: Cannot stat: No such file or directory tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors error: home/azureuser/test no such file or directory

I could see the file under above given path. I am really confused.

Could you please help me out?

like image 610
Girish Avatar asked Sep 19 '18 13:09


People also ask

How do I transfer files between pods?

If you're using Kubernetes, you may find the need to move files to and from containers running on pods. Before the days of containerization, we would use a tool like SCP (secure copy protocol) to move files to and from remote machines.

How do I copy a file from a Docker container?

Obtain the name or id of the Docker container. Issue the docker cp command and reference the container name or id. The first parameter of the docker copy command is the path to the file inside the container. The second parameter of the docker copy command is the location to save the file on the host.

1 Answers

As stated inkubectl help:

kubectl cp --help Copy files and directories to and from containers. Examples: # !!!Important Note!!! # Requires that the 'tar' binary is present in your container # image.  If 'tar' is not present, 'kubectl cp' will fail.  # Copy /tmp/foo_dir local directory to /tmp/bar_dir in a remote pod in the default namespace kubectl cp /tmp/foo_dir <some-pod>:/tmp/bar_dir  # Copy /tmp/foo local file to /tmp/bar in a remote pod in a specific container kubectl cp /tmp/foo <some-pod>:/tmp/bar -c <specific-container>  # Copy /tmp/foo local file to /tmp/bar in a remote pod in namespace <some-namespace> kubectl cp /tmp/foo <some-namespace>/<some-pod>:/tmp/bar  # Copy /tmp/foo from a remote pod to /tmp/bar locally kubectl cp <some-namespace>/<some-pod>:/tmp/foo /tmp/bar  Options: -c, --container='': Container name. If omitted, the first container in the pod will be chosen  Usage: kubectl cp <file-spec-src> <file-spec-dest> [options]  Use "kubectl options" for a list of global command-line options (applies to all commands). 

You can also login to your Containter and check if file is there:

kubectl exec -it aks-ssh2-6cd4948f6f-fp9tl /bin/bash ls -la /home/azureuser/test.cap 

If this still doesn't work, try:

You may try to copy your files to workdir and then retry to copy them using just their names. It's weird, but it works for now.

Consider advice of kchugalinskiy here #58692.

like image 66
Crou Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10
