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How to copy a file in Python with a progress bar?




When copying large files using shutil.copy(), you get no indication of how the operation is progressing..

I have put together something that works - it uses a simple ProgressBar class (which simple returns a simple ASCII progress bar, as a string), and a loop of open().read() and .write() to do the actual copying. It displays the progress bar using sys.stdout.write("\r%s\r" % (the_progress_bar)) which is a little hackish, but it works.

You can see the code (in context) on github here

Is there any built-in module that will do this better? Is there any improvements that can be made to this code?

like image 889
dbr Avatar asked Nov 08 '08 07:11


People also ask

How do I add a progress bar to a Python script?

In order to create the progress bar in Python, simply add the highlighted syntax into the code: from tqdm import tqdm. tqdm(my_list)

What is the Copy command in Python?

copyfile() method in Python is used to copy the content of the source file to the destination file. The metadata of the file is not copied. Source and destination must represent a file and destination must be writable.

How do I copy progress bar in Linux?

pv Command You can use the “pv” command for copying a single file as it provides statistics related to the progress and speed. In the following case, “pv” will output the “inputfile” to “stdout”, which is then redirected to the “outputfile” using the “>”operator.

1 Answers

I have this shutil.copy() with progress bar made in a simple way just with built in modules. If you are using utf-8 encoding you can get a progress like the second example in the gif image: Progress bars examples for this:

Read the comments to change style and colors. The first and last examples don't need utf-8. You can use the command CPprogress(SOURCE, DESTINATION) just where you had shutil.copy(src, dst):

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

I made this to give shutil.copy() [or shutil.copy2() in this case] a progress bar.

You can use CPprogress(SOURCE, DESTINATION) just like shutil.copy(src, dst). SOURCE must be a file path and DESTINATION a file or folder path.

It will give you a progress bar for each file copied. Just copy this code above the place where you want to use CPprogress(SOURCE, DESTINATION) in your code.

You can easily change the look of the progress bar:
    - To keep the style and just change the colors, replace the colors values of progressCOLOR and finalCOLOR (orange code at the end of the lines).
    - The use a solid block progress bar, # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- is required. Otherwise, you will get an encoding error. Some basic terminals, like xterm, may not show the progress bar because of the utf-8 characters.
      To use this style, remove the comments #STYLE# in lines ###COLORS### - BlueCOLOR and endBLOCK.
      In def getPERCECENTprogress() remove the comments  #STYLE# AND COMMENT THE PREVIOUS line. Do the same in def CPprogress()
      If you don't want the utf-8 encoding, delete the four lines beginning with #STYLE#.

NOTE: If you want to copy lots of small files, the copy process for file is so fast 
      that all you will see is a lot of lines scrolling in you terminal window - not enough time for a 'progress'.
      In that case, I use an overall progress that shows only one progress bar to the complete job.   nzX
import os
import shutil
import sys
import threading
import time

######## COLORS ######
progressCOLOR = '\033[38;5;33;48;5;236m' #\033[38;5;33;48;5;236m# copy inside '' for colored progressbar| orange:#\033[38;5;208;48;5;235m
finalCOLOR =  '\033[38;5;33;48;5;33m' #\033[38;5;33;48;5;33m# copy inside '' for colored progressbar| orange:#\033[38;5;208;48;5;208m
#STYLE#BlueCOLOR = '\033[38;5;33m'#\033[38;5;33m# copy inside '' for colored progressbar Orange#'\033[38;5;208m'# # BG progress# #STYLE# 
#STYLE#endBLOCK = '' # ▌ copy OR '' for none # BG progress# #STYLE# requires utf8 coding header

BOLD    = '\033[1m'
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
CEND    = '\033[0m'

def getPERCECENTprogress(source_path, destination_path):
    if os.path.exists(destination_path):
        while os.path.getsize(source_path) != os.path.getsize(destination_path):
            percentagem = int((float(os.path.getsize(destination_path))/float(os.path.getsize(source_path))) * 100)
            steps = int(percentagem/5)
            copiado = int(os.path.getsize(destination_path)/1000000)# Should be 1024000 but this get's equal to Thunar file manager report (Linux - Xfce)
            sizzz = int(os.path.getsize(source_path)/1000000)
            sys.stdout.write(("         {:d} / {:d} Mb   ".format(copiado, sizzz)) +  (BOLD + progressCOLOR + "{:20s}".format('|'*steps) + CEND) + ("   {:d}% ".format(percentagem))) # BG progress
            #STYLE#sys.stdout.write(("         {:d} / {:d} Mb   ".format(copiado, sizzz)) +  (BOLD + BlueCOLOR + "▐" + "{:s}".format('█'*steps) + CEND) + ("{:s}".format(' '*(20-steps))+ BOLD + BlueCOLOR + endBLOCK+ CEND) +("   {:d}% ".format(percentagem))) #STYLE# # BG progress# closer to GUI but less compatible (no block bar with xterm) # requires utf8 coding header

    if os.path.isdir(DESTINATION):
        dst_file = os.path.join(DESTINATION, os.path.basename(SOURCE))
    else: dst_file = DESTINATION
    print " "
    print (BOLD + UNDERLINE + "FROM:" + CEND + "   "), SOURCE
    print (BOLD + UNDERLINE + "TO:" + CEND + "     "), dst_file
    print " "
    threading.Thread(name='progresso', target=getPERCECENTprogress, args=(SOURCE, dst_file)).start()
    shutil.copy2(SOURCE, DESTINATION)
    sys.stdout.write(("         {:d} / {:d} Mb   ".format((int(os.path.getsize(dst_file)/1000000)), (int(os.path.getsize(SOURCE)/1000000)))) +  (BOLD + finalCOLOR + "{:20s}".format('|'*20) + CEND) + ("   {:d}% ".format(100))) # BG progress 100%
    #STYLE#sys.stdout.write(("         {:d} / {:d} Mb   ".format((int(os.path.getsize(dst_file)/1000000)), (int(os.path.getsize(SOURCE)/1000000)))) +  (BOLD + BlueCOLOR + "▐" + "{:s}{:s}".format(('█'*20), endBLOCK) + CEND) + ("   {:d}% ".format(100))) #STYLE# # BG progress 100%# closer to GUI but less compatible (no block bar with xterm) # requires utf8 coding header
    print " "
    print " "

#Ex. Copy all files from root of the source dir to destination dir

folderA = '/path/to/SOURCE' # SOURCE
folderB = '/path/to/DESTINATION' # DESTINATION
for FILE in os.listdir(folderA):
    if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folderA, FILE)):
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(folderB, FILE)): continue # as we are using shutil.copy2() that overwrites destination, this skips existing files
        CPprogress(os.path.join(folderA, FILE), folderB) # use the command as if it was shutil.copy2() but with progress

         75 / 150 Mb  ||||||||||         |  50%
like image 118
Gabriel Coutinho De Miranda Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Gabriel Coutinho De Miranda