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How to copy a directory structure but only include certain files (using windows batch files)

People also ask

How do I copy a folder structure but not contents?

Type "xcopy", "source", "destination" /t /e in the Command Prompt window. Instead of “ source ,” type the path of the folder hierarchy you want to copy. Instead of “ destination ,” enter the path where you want to store the copied folder structure. Press “Enter” on your keyboard.

How do I copy a directory structure without files Total Commander?

To copy directory structure without copying any files using Total Commander, enter |*. * into 'Only files of this type' field. This will exclude all files.

Can you copy just folder structure without files?

It's the /T option that copies just the folder structure not the files. You can also use the /E option to include empty folders in the copy (by default empty folders will not be copied).

You don't mention if it has to be batch only, but if you can use ROBOCOPY, try this:

ROBOCOPY C:\Source C:\Destination data.zip info.txt /E

EDIT: Changed the /S parameter to /E to include empty folders.

An alternate solution that copies one file at a time and does not require ROBOCOPY:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set "SOURCE_DIR=C:\Source"
set "DEST_DIR=C:\Destination"
set FILENAMES_TO_COPY=data.zip info.txt

    if exist "%%F" (
        set FILE_DIR=%%~dpF
        xcopy /E /I /Y "%%F" "%DEST_DIR%!FILE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR!"

The outer for statement generates any possible path combination of subdirectory in SOURCE_DIR and name in FILENAMES_TO_COPY. For each existing file xcopy is invoked. FILE_INTERMEDIATE_DIR holds the file's subdirectory path within SOURCE_DIR which needs to be created in DEST_DIR.

try piping output of find (ie. the file path) into cpio

find . -type f -name '*.jpg' | cpio -p -d -v targetdir/

cpio checks timestamp on target files -- so its safe and fast.

remove -v for faster op, once you get used to it.

If Powershell is an option, you can do this:

Copy-Item c:\sourcePath d:\destinationPath -filter data.zip -recurse

The main disadvantage is it copies all folders, even if they will end up being empty because no files match the filter you specify. So you could end up with a tree full of empty folders, in addition to the few folders that have the files you want.

To copy all text files to G: and preserve directory structure:

xcopy *.txt /s G:

Thanks To Previous Answers. :)

This script named "r4k4copy.cmd":

@echo off
for %%p in (SOURCE_DIR DEST_DIR FILENAMES_TO_COPY) do set %%p=
echo :: Copy Files Including Folder Tree
echo :: http://stackoverflow.com
rem     /questions/472692/how-to-copy
rem     -a-directory-structure-but-only
rem     -include-certain-files-using-windows
echo :: ReScripted by r4k4
if "%1"=="" goto :NoParam
if "%2"=="" goto :NoParam
if "%3"=="" goto :NoParam
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set DEST_DIR=%2
if exist "%%F" (
set FILE_DIR=%%~dpF
goto :eof
echo Syntax: %0 [Source_DIR] [Dest_DIR] [FileName]
echo Eg.   : %0 D:\Root E:\Root\Lev1\Lev2\Lev3 *.JPG
echo Means : Copy *.JPG from D:\Root to E:\Root\Lev1\Lev2\Lev3

It accepts variable of "Source", "Destination", and "FileName". It also can only copying specified type of files or selective filenames.

Any improvement are welcome. :)