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How to convince python tox to run tests only for the available python interpreters?




I am using python tox to run python unittest for several versions of python, but these python interpreters are not all available on all machines or platforms where I'm running tox.

How can I configure tox so it will run tests only when python interpretors are available.

Example of tox.ini:



The big problem is that I do want to have a list of python environments which is auto-detected.

like image 543
sorin Avatar asked Nov 13 '12 17:11


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1 Answers

As of Tox version 1.7.2, you can pass the --skip-missing-interpreters flag to achieve this behavior. You can also set skip_missing_interpreters=true in your tox.ini file. More info here.

envlist =
    py24, py25, py26, py27, py30, py31, py32, py33, py34, jython, pypy, pypy3
skip_missing_interpreters =
like image 148
dfarrell07 Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 16:10
