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How to convert/transform a collection to another collection by element's property?

If I have a collection of an object in Kotlin, is there a quick way to get a collection of a certain property of those objects? I looked at a list of collection operations for Kotlin, but nothing stood out for me (but I may have overlooked something)

In python it would be akin to:

[person.name for person in persons]

And I'd prefer to use a collections function instead of doing:

var nameMap = mutableListOf<String>() persons.forEach{person -> nameMap.add(person.name)} 

I'm pretty lacking in knowledge of filtering/lambda functions and anything other than list comprehension, so apologies if this is a simple question

like image 914
Parker Avatar asked Jun 24 '17 16:06


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1 Answers

it's easy to do in Kotlin:

//           v--- the variable type can be removed var nameMap: MutableList<String> = persons.map { it.name }.toMutableList(); 

IF you want an immutable List, it can simplify as below:

//           v--- the variable type can be removed var nameMap: List<String> = persons.map { it.name }; 

OR using function reference expression instead:

var nameMap = persons.map(Person::name); 
like image 104
holi-java Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 01:11
