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How to convert Yolo format bounding box coordinates into OpenCV format

I have Yolo format bounding box annotations of objects saved in a .txt files. Now I want to load those coordinates and draw it on the image using OpenCV, but I don’t know how to convert those float values into OpenCV format coordinates values

I tried this post but it didn’t help, below is a sample example of what I am trying to do

Code and output

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2

img = cv2.imread(<image_path>)
dh, dw, _ = img.shape
fl = open(<label_path>, 'r')
data = fl.readlines()
for dt in data:
    _, x, y, w, h = dt.split(' ')
    nx = int(float(x)*dw)
    ny = int(float(y)*dh)
    nw = int(float(w)*dw)
    nh = int(float(h)*dh)
    cv2.rectangle(img, (nx,ny), (nx+nw,ny+nh), (0,0,255), 1)

enter image description here

Actual Annotations and Image

0 0.286972 0.647157 0.404930 0.371237 
0 0.681338 0.366221 0.454225 0.418060

enter image description here

like image 719
arush1836 Avatar asked Sep 28 '20 06:09


People also ask

How to get the coordinates of a bounding box?

Coordinates of a bounding box are encoded with four values in pixels: [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] . x_min and y_min are coordinates of the top-left corner of the bounding box. x_max and y_max are coordinates of bottom-right corner of the bounding box.

How do you convert bounding box to Yolo?

To convert between your (x, y) coordinates and yolo (u, v) coordinates you need to transform your data as u = x / XMAX and y = y / YMAX where XMAX , YMAX are the maximum coordinates for the image array you are using.

What is bounding box yolo?

YOLO predicts the coordinates of bounding boxes directly using fully connected layers on top of the convolutional feature extractor. Predicting offsets instead of coordinates simplifies the problem and makes it easier for the network to learn.

2 Answers

There's another Q&A on this topic, and there's this1 interesting comment below the accepted answer. The bottom line is, that the YOLO coordinates have a different centering w.r.t. to the image. Unfortunately, the commentator didn't provide the Python port, so I did that here:

import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

img = cv2.imread(<image_path>)
dh, dw, _ = img.shape

fl = open(<label_path>, 'r')
data = fl.readlines()

for dt in data:

    # Split string to float
    _, x, y, w, h = map(float, dt.split(' '))

    # Taken from https://github.com/pjreddie/darknet/blob/810d7f797bdb2f021dbe65d2524c2ff6b8ab5c8b/src/image.c#L283-L291
    # via https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44544471/how-to-get-the-coordinates-of-the-bounding-box-in-yolo-object-detection#comment102178409_44592380
    l = int((x - w / 2) * dw)
    r = int((x + w / 2) * dw)
    t = int((y - h / 2) * dh)
    b = int((y + h / 2) * dh)
    if l < 0:
        l = 0
    if r > dw - 1:
        r = dw - 1
    if t < 0:
        t = 0
    if b > dh - 1:
        b = dh - 1

    cv2.rectangle(img, (l, t), (r, b), (0, 0, 255), 1)


So, for some Lenna image, that'd be the output, which I think shows the correct coordinates w.r.t. your image:


System information
Platform:     Windows-10-10.0.16299-SP0
Python:       3.8.5
Matplotlib:   3.3.2
OpenCV:       4.4.0

1Please upvote the linked answers and comments.

like image 79
HansHirse Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10


There is a more straight-forward way to do those stuff with pybboxes. Install with,

pip install pybboxes

In your case,

import pybboxes as pbx

yolo_bbox1 = (0.286972, 0.647157, 0.404930, 0.371237)
yolo_bbox2 = (0.681338, 0.366221, 0.454225, 0.418060)
W, H = 300, 300  # WxH of the image
pbx.convert_bbox(yolo_bbox1, from_type="yolo", to_type="voc", image_width=W, image_height=H)
>>> (25, 138, 147, 250)
pbx.convert_bbox(yolo_bbox2, from_type="yolo", to_type="voc", image_width=W, image_height=H)
>>> (136, 47, 273, 173)

Note that, converting to YOLO format requires the image width and height for scaling.

like image 23
null Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 23:10
