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How to convert wmf files to svg files



How to convert WMF file to svg file? I have around 550 WMF files to be converted to SVG format.

For one file, I opened the WMF file in VISIO and saved it as SVG format, but to convert around 550 files is a tedious process.

Please help me Actually, these WMF files are the converted files from the PDF document. So, any better way to convert the PDF image to an svg image ? Currently I converted the PDF schematic diagram into wmf and opened it with visio, so that I can select each circuit or connector by ungrouping and later saved it to SVG format. This svg format, I will import into another tool, where i can select each circuit and connector for further work.

Thanks Ramm

like image 772
user301016 Avatar asked Aug 12 '11 04:08


2 Answers

I'll just add a link to the Free EMF/WMF to SVG File Convert Tool 2.0 for future reference.


and the WMF2SVG project over at Github:


like image 54
user568451 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09


For batch processing WMF to SVG you can use Inkscape. You must use the command line. Start it with inkscape --shell.

Then to convert automagically use:

inkscape yourfile.wmf --export-plain-svg=yourfile.svg.

To make your life easier, here is a BATCH skript. Create a text file, name it wmftosvg.bat and place it into the folder with all wmf files. The content of the file:


echo.   Enter graphic format (like wmf):
set /p Input1=   Graphic file type:  

FOR %%I IN (*."%Input1%") DO (
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    C:\Portables\InkscapePortable\App\Inkscape\inkscape "%%~nI.!Input1!" --export-plain-svg="%%~nI".svg

With the script above you can convert arbitrary graphics to SVG. Just enter the graphic format (file extension).

like image 37
Avatar Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 00:09
