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How to convert version number to integer value?



I am trying to convert application version numbers such as (Android) and 5.3.0 (iOS) to integers in Python. The function should give output value as 5301 for Android and 530 for iOS.

I have written the following code but looking to make it smaller and better:

version = "5.3.0"
num = (version).split('.')

for i in num:
    version += i

print version

Suggest me some better options!

like image 307
Suraj Bhatia Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 09:11

Suraj Bhatia

1 Answers

Perhaps something a little more direct:

major, minor, patch = [int(x, 10) for x in version.split('.')]

The above will give you each component of the version number. You could also do something like:

l = [int(x, 10) for x in version.split('.')]
version = sum(x * (100 ** i) for i, x in enumerate(l))

This will allow each component of the version number to vary between 0 and 99 (instead of just 0 through 9). It's a fairly common practice in C for recording version numbers.

If you really only want to handle components of the version being in the 0 to 9 range, simply change the 100 to a 10:

l = [int(x, 10) for x in version.split('.')]
version = sum(x * (10 ** i) for i, x in enumerate(l))
like image 112
John Szakmeister Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 02:12

John Szakmeister