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How to convert the half-spaces that constitute a convex hull to a set of extreme points?


People also ask

How many points is a convex hull?

These four points form a convex quadrilateral, and all points that lie in this quadrilateral (except for the four initially chosen vertices) are not part of the convex hull.

Which methods can be used to find convex hull?

Graham's Algorithm Graham's scan algorithm is a method of computing the convex hull of a finite set of points in the plane with time complexity O ( n log ⁡ n ) O(n \log n) O(nlogn). The algorithm finds all vertices of the convex hull ordered along its boundary .

What is the convex hull of a set?

The convex hull of a set of points is defined as the smallest convex polygon, that encloses all of the points in the set. Convex means that the polygon has no corner that is bent inwards. A convex polygon on the left side, non-convex on the right side.

I have a convex set in a Euclidean space (3D, but would like answers for nD) that is characterized by a finite set of half-spaces (normal vector + point).

Is there a better algorithm to find the extreme points of the convex set other than compute brute force all points that are intersections of 3 (or, n) half-spaces and eliminate those that are not extreme points?