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How to convert Persian/Arabic numbers to English numbers in Kotlin? [duplicate]




How can I convert Persian/Arabic numbers to English in Kotlin? I saw similar qustions in java but It doesn't match my requirement. I want to pass Date as String to web service. when I get Date in devices that uses Persian localized digits are Persian and the server can't convert this String to DateTime. So I need to convert all digits to English. here is the Date that I receive in Devices with Persian Localized:


and these are Persian/Arabic numbers

(۰ -> 0) (۱ -> 1) (۲ -> 2) (۳ -> 3) (۴ -> 4) (۵ -> 5) (۶ -> 6) (۷-> 7) (۸ -> 8) (۹ -> 9)

I need a fun in Kotlin to perform this.

like image 473
AlirezA Barakati Avatar asked Sep 21 '20 09:09

AlirezA Barakati

Video Answer

2 Answers

You can use NumberFormat, providing a proper locale.

//explode date by slash character
var delimiter = "/"
val parts = yourDate.split(delimiter) 

// then you check every element in parts array

NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.ENGLISH);
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) {
    output.println(nf.format(myNumber[i]) + "; ");

Reference: NumberFormat documentation, Locale docs

like image 84
Alfabravo Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10


Finally bellow function solved my problem:

fun PersianToEnglish(persianStr: String):String {
            var result = ""
            var en = '0'
            for (ch in persianStr) {
                en = ch
                when (ch) {
                    '۰' -> en = '0'
                    '۱' -> en = '1'
                    '۲' -> en = '2'
                    '۳' -> en = '3'
                    '۴' -> en = '4'
                    '۵' -> en = '5'
                    '۶' -> en = '6'
                    '۷' -> en = '7'
                    '۸' -> en = '8'
                    '۹' -> en = '9'
                result = "${result}$en"
            return result
like image 20
AlirezA Barakati Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10

AlirezA Barakati