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How to convert PDF file into PPT file using java?




I want to convert a pdf file to a ppt file in java.

Is there any third party library for this and how can i use it?

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Nilesh Nikumbh Avatar asked Apr 08 '11 10:04

Nilesh Nikumbh

People also ask

How do I convert a File to PowerPoint?

Go to File > Export > Export to PowerPoint presentation. In the Export to presentation window, choose a design theme for your presentation, and then select Export.

How do I convert PDF to PowerPoint without losing?

Add PDF files into the program by clicking “+” or drag & drop. In the “Preview” window, view the PDF pages and choose page range for conversion. Then set output as Microsoft PowerPoint in the output format menu. Click “Start” on the bottom of the window to convert PDF to PowerPoint without losing quality on Windows.

1 Answers

You can use the Open-Office API.

I am personally not too fond of the API due to;

  • The bad compatabilty between OpenOffice Writer and Word.
  • The complexity of the API.

But it is possible using the API.

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Koekiebox Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09
