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How to convert pandas single column data frame to series or numpy vector [duplicate]




I have the following data frame just single column.

import pandas as pd tdf =  pd.DataFrame({'s1' : [0,1,23.4,10,23]}) 

Currently it has the following shape.

In [54]: tdf.shape Out[54]: (5, 1) 

How can I convert it to a Series or a numpy vector so that the shape is simply (5,)

like image 376
neversaint Avatar asked Oct 28 '15 07:10


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to_numpy() – Convert dataframe to Numpy array. Pandas DataFrame is two-dimensional size-mutable, potentially heterogeneous tabular data structure with labeled axes (rows and columns). This data structure can be converted to NumPy ndarray with the help of Dataframe. to_numpy() method.

1 Answers

You can simply index the series you want. Example -


Demo -

In [24]: tdf =  pd.DataFrame({'s1' : [0,1,23.4,10,23]})  In [25]: tdf['s1'] Out[25]: 0     0.0 1     1.0 2    23.4 3    10.0 4    23.0 Name: s1, dtype: float64  In [26]: tdf['s1'].shape Out[26]: (5,) 

If you want the values in the series as numpy array, you can use .values accessor , Example -

In [27]: tdf['s1'].values Out[27]: array([  0. ,   1. ,  23.4,  10. ,  23. ]) 
like image 166
Anand S Kumar Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09

Anand S Kumar