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How to convert letters to numbers with Javascript?



How could I convert a letter to its corresponding number in JavaScript?

For example:

a = 0 b = 1 c = 2 d = 3 

I found this question on converting numbers to letters beyond the 26 character alphabet, but it is asking for the opposite.

Is there a way to do this without a huge array?

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Fizzix Avatar asked Mar 25 '14 02:03


People also ask

How do I convert letters to numbers?

The Letter-to-Number Cipher (or Number-to-Letter Cipher or numbered alphabet) consists in replacing each letter by its position in the alphabet , for example A=1, B=2, Z=26, hence its over name A1Z26 .

How do I convert a string to a number in JavaScript?

How to convert a string to a number in JavaScript using the parseInt() function. Another way to convert a string into a number is to use the parseInt() function. This function takes in a string and an optional radix. A radix is a number between 2 and 36 which represents the base in a numeral system.

1 Answers

You can get a codepoint* from any index in a string using String.prototype.charCodeAt. If your string is a single character, you’ll want index 0, and the code for a is 97 (easily obtained from JavaScript as 'a'.charCodeAt(0)), so you can just do:

s.charCodeAt(0) - 97 

And in case you wanted to go the other way around, String.fromCharCode takes Unicode codepoints* and returns a string.

String.fromCharCode(97 + n) 

* not quite

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Ry- Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 18:09
