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How to Convert Lambda Expression To Sql?

I am developing a small framework to access the database. I want to add a feature that makes a query using a lambda expression. How do I do this?

public class TestModel
    public int Id {get;set;}
    public string Name {get;set;}

public class Repository<T>
    // do something.

For example:

var repo = new Repository<TestModel>();

var query = repo.AsQueryable().Where(x => x.Name == "test"); 
// This query must be like this:
// SELECT * FROM testmodel WHERE name = 'test'

var list = query.ToDataSet();
// When I call ToDataSet(), it will get the dataset after running the made query.
like image 225
sinanakyazici Avatar asked Jun 11 '12 11:06


People also ask

How to convert lambda expression to SQL query?

var repo = new Repository<TestModel>(); var query = repo. AsQueryable(). Where(x => x.Name == "test"); // This query must be like this: // SELECT * FROM testmodel WHERE name = 'test' var list = query.

Can you use lambda expression instead of LINQ query?

So performance-wise, there's no difference whatsoever between the two. Which one you should use is mostly personal preference, many people prefer lambda expressions because they're shorter and more concise, but personally I prefer the query syntax having worked extensively with SQL.

How do you convert method into lambda expression?

To convert an anonymous method to a lambda expression Move to the anonymous method you want to convert. From the Refactor menu of the VisualAid choose To Lambda. Telerik® JustCode™ will replace the anonymous method with a lambda expression.

2 Answers

Go on and create a LINQ Provider (I am sure you don't want to do this, anyway).

It's a lot of work, so maybe you just want to use NHibernate or Entity Framework or something like that.

If your queries are rather simple, maybe you don't need a full blown LINQ Provider. Have a look at Expression Trees (which are used by LINQ Providers).

You can hack something like this:

public static class QueryExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<TSource> Where<TSource>(this Repo<TSource> source, Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> predicate)
        // hacks all the way
        dynamic operation = predicate.Body;
        dynamic left = operation.Left;
        dynamic right = operation.Right;

        var ops = new Dictionary<ExpressionType, String>();
        ops.Add(ExpressionType.Equal, "=");
        ops.Add(ExpressionType.GreaterThan, ">");
        // add all required operations here            

        // Instead of SELECT *, select all required fields, since you know the type
        var q = String.Format("SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE {1} {2} {3}", typeof(TSource), left.Member.Name, ops[operation.NodeType], right.Value);
        return source.RunQuery(q);
public class Repo<T>
    internal IEnumerable<T> RunQuery(string query)
        return new List<T>(); // run query here...
public class TestModel
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var repo = new Repo<TestModel>();
        var result = repo.Where(e => e.Name == "test");
        var result2 = repo.Where(e => e.Id > 200);

Please, don't use this as it is. This is just a quick and dirty example how expression trees can be analyzed to create SQL statements.

Why not just use Linq2Sql, NHibernate or EntityFramework...

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sloth Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09


if you want to do things like

.Where(e => e.Title == "Spectre")
.Set(e => e.Title, "Commander")


    .Value(e => e.FirstName, "John")
    .Value(e => e.LastName,  "Shepard")
    .Value(e => e.Title,     "Spectre")
    .Value(e => e.HireDate,  () => Sql.CurrentTimestamp)


.Where(e => e.Title == "Spectre")

Then check out this, BLToolkit

like image 42
David DV Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

David DV