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How to convert .csr to .cer (or whatever usable on Windows)

I'm trying to figure out how to install .csr certificate under Windows but probably the only way is to convert it to some other format (maybe with openssl) but I have no idea how.

Do you have any suggestion?

like image 749
martin Avatar asked Aug 15 '11 10:08


People also ask

How do I open a .CSR file?

How to Open a CSR File. Some CSR files can be opened with OpenSSL or Microsoft IIS. You could also open one with a text editor, but it probably wouldn't be useful. Since the primary information in the file is encrypted, a text editor would serve only to show garbled text when viewed as a text file.

Are .CER and .CRT the same?

Because CER and CRT files are basically synonymous, they can be used interchangeably by simply changing the extension. So, in case your server requires you to use the . CER file extension, you can convert to .

1 Answers

CSR file is the Certificate Signing Request. It contains the information which is needed to generate a certificate based on your private key and information about the WebSite.

CER is the certificate itself (which you install into your Web browser). There is basically no way to convert directly from one to another as you need a key to sign the certificate, but what can do is to generate a self-signed certificate (e.g. certificate signed by the same key which was used to generate it):

openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -signkey server.key -out server.crt 
like image 160
dma_k Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 10:09
