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How to convert an XML file to nice pandas dataframe?

Let's assume that I have an XML like this:

<author type="XXX" language="EN" gender="xx" feature="xx" web="foobar.com">     <documents count="N">         <document KEY="e95a9a6c790ecb95e46cf15bee517651" web="www.foo_bar_exmaple.com"><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...] ]]>         </document>         <document KEY="bc360cfbafc39970587547215162f0db" web="www.foo_bar_exmaple.com"><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...] ]]>         </document>         <document KEY="19e71144c50a8b9160b3f0955e906fce" web="www.foo_bar_exmaple.com"><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...] ]]>         </document>         <document KEY="21d4af9021a174f61b884606c74d9e42" web="www.foo_bar_exmaple.com"><![CDATA[A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...] ]]>         </document>     </documents> </author> 

I would like to read this XML file and convert it to a pandas DataFrame:

key                                         type     language    feature            web                         data e95324a9a6c790ecb95e46cf15bE232ee517651      XXX        EN          xx      www.foo_bar_exmaple.com     A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...] bc360cfbafc39970587547215162f0db             XXX        EN          xx      www.foo_bar_exmaple.com     A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...] 19e71144c50a8b9160b3cvdf2324f0955e906fce     XXX        EN          xx      www.foo_bar_exmaple.com     A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...] 21d4af9021a174f61b8erf284606c74d9e42         XXX        EN          xx      www.foo_bar_exmaple.com     A large text with lots of strings and punctuations symbols [...] 

This is what I already tried, but I am getting some errors and probably there is a more efficient way of doing this task:

from lxml import objectify import pandas as pd  path = 'file_path' xml = objectify.parse(open(path)) root = xml.getroot() root.getchildren()[0].getchildren() df = pd.DataFrame(columns=('key','type', 'language', 'feature', 'web', 'data'))  for i in range(0,len(xml)):     obj = root.getchildren()[i].getchildren()     row = dict(zip(['key','type', 'language', 'feature', 'web', 'data'], [obj[0].text, obj[1].text]))     row_s = pd.Series(row)     row_s.name = i     df = df.append(row_s) 

Could anybody provide me a better aproach for this problem?

like image 752
eoriu Avatar asked Feb 01 '15 03:02


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1 Answers

You can easily use xml (from the Python standard library) to convert to a pandas.DataFrame. Here's what I would do (when reading from a file replace xml_data with the name of your file or file object):

import pandas as pd import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import io  def iter_docs(author):     author_attr = author.attrib     for doc in author.iter('document'):         doc_dict = author_attr.copy()         doc_dict.update(doc.attrib)         doc_dict['data'] = doc.text         yield doc_dict  xml_data = io.StringIO(u'''YOUR XML STRING HERE''')  etree = ET.parse(xml_data) #create an ElementTree object  doc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(iter_docs(etree.getroot()))) 

If there are multiple authors in your original document or the root of your XML is not an author, then I would add the following generator:

def iter_author(etree):     for author in etree.iter('author'):         for row in iter_docs(author):             yield row 

and change doc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(iter_docs(etree.getroot()))) to doc_df = pd.DataFrame(list(iter_author(etree)))

Have a look at the ElementTree tutorial provided in the xml library documentation.

like image 91
JaminSore Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09
