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How to convert an array into a hierarchical array

I have some data which is

var currentData = [
    {'ticket':'CAP', 'child':'CT-1'},
    {'ticket':'CAP', 'child':'CT-2'},
    {'ticket':'CT-1', 'child':'CT-1-A'},
    {'ticket':'CT-1', 'child':'CT-1-B'}

The data is flat and I need to convert it into something like:

    'ticket': 'CAP',
    children : [{
        'ticket' : 'CT-1',
        'children' : [{
            'ticket' : 'CT-1-A',
            'children' : []
        }, {
            'ticket' : 'CT-1-B',
            'children' : []
            'ticket' : 'CT-2',
            'children' : []

(I think the above is valid)?

I'm very lost as to how. I am going to show my effort but, I'm not sure if my approach is correct or not.

var currentData = [{'ticket':'cap', 'child':'CT-1'},{'ticket':'cap', 'child':'CT-2'}, {'ticket':'CT-1', 'child':'CT-1-A'},{'ticket':'CT-1', 'child':'CT-1-B'}];

var newList = [];
function convert(list){
    if (newList.length <= 0){
        var child = [];
        var emptyChild = [];
        child.push({'ticket': list[0].child, 'child': emptyChild });
        newList.push({'ticket': list[0].ticket, 'children' : child});
    } // the if statement above works fine
    for(var i = 0;  i < list.length; i++) {
        var ticket = list[i].ticket;
        for(var j = 0; j < newList.length; j++) {
            if (newList[j].ticket == ticket){
                var child;
                var emptyChild = [];
                child = {'ticket': list[i].child, 'child': emptyChild };
            } // the if above works
                var child2 = getFromChildren(ticket, newList, list[i]); // child2 is Always null, even if getFromChildren returns an object
    if (list.length > 0){

function getFromChildren(ticket, list, itemToAdd){

    if (list == null || list[0].children == null)
    for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
        if (list[i] == null)
        if (list[i].ticket == ticket){
            list[i].child.push(itemToAdd.child); // ** can't do this, javascript passes by value, not by reference :(
        } else{
            getFromChildren(ticket, list[i].children, itemToAdd);


I think I've made a mess of it. In the comments I've put a ** explaining that it isn't working due to JavaScript not passing by reference, however upon further reading I don't think that is correct as I'm passing the object which is by reference?


The data, shown with currentData will not always start at the root sadly either

like image 486
MyDaftQuestions Avatar asked Sep 15 '17 13:09


2 Answers

function convert(arr) {
  var children = {};                                         // this object will hold a reference to all children arrays

  var res = arr.reduce(function(res, o) {                    // for each object o in the array arr
    if(!res[o.ticket]) {                                     // if there is no object for the element o.ticket
      res[o.ticket] = {ticket: o.ticket, children: []};      // then creates an object for it
      children[o.ticket] = res[o.ticket].children;           // and store a reference to its children array
    if(!res[o.child]) {                                      // if there is no object for the element o.child
      res[o.child] = {ticket: o.child, children: []};        // then creates an object for it
      children[o.child] = res[o.child].children;             // and store a reference to its children array
    return res;
  }, {});
  arr.forEach(function(o) {                                  // now for each object o in the array arr
    children[o.ticket].push(res[o.child]);                   // add the object of o.child (from res) to its children array
    delete res[o.child];                                     // and remove the child object from the object res
  return res;

var currentData = [
    {'ticket':'CAP', 'child':'CT-1'},
    {'ticket':'CAP', 'child':'CT-2'},
    {'ticket':'CT-1', 'child':'CT-1-A'},
    {'ticket':'CT-1', 'child':'CT-1-B'}



The reduce part creates an object of the form: { ticket: "...", children: [] } for each element (child or not). So right after reduce, the object res will be:

res = {
    'CAP': { ticket: 'CAP', children: [] },
    'CT-1': { ticket: 'CT-1', children: [] },
    'CT-2': { ticket: 'CT-2', children: [] },
    'CT-1-A': { ticket: 'CT-1-A', children: [] },
    'CT-1-B': { ticket: 'CT-1-B', children: [] },

Now comes the forEach bit which loops over the array once more, and now for each object it fetches the object of .child from res above, push it into .ticket object's children (which a reference to it is stored in children object), then remove the .child object from the object res.

like image 108
ibrahim mahrir Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09

ibrahim mahrir

Below uses reduce to get the data grouped to a Map, then I convert the data to an object like you've shown above. You'll need a modern browser to run below snippet, or use a transpiler like babeljs to convert it to es5 syntax.

let currentData = [
    {'ticket':'CAP', 'child':'CT-1'},
    {'ticket':'CAP', 'child':'CT-2'},
    {'ticket':'CT-1', 'child':'CT-1-A'},
    {'ticket':'CT-1', 'child':'CT-1-B'}

let children = currentData.map(e => e.child);
currentData.sort((a,b) => children.indexOf(a.ticket));

let res = currentData.reduce((a,b) => {
    if (! children.includes(b.ticket)) {
        return a.set(b.ticket, (a.get(b.ticket) || [])
            .concat({ticket: b.child,
                children: currentData
                    .filter(el => el.ticket === b.child)
                    .map(el => ({ticket: el.child, children: []}))}))
    return a;
}, new Map);

let r = {};

for (let [key,value] of res.entries()) {
    r.ticket = key;
    r.children = value;

like image 33
baao Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 20:09
