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How to Convert a string to number in freemarker template


I want to convert a string to number in freemarker. I want to put some conditional check based on the value of the number. ?number doesn't seems to work.

Any suggestions?

like image 645
Mady Avatar asked Jun 07 '12 08:06


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Both quotation mark (") and apostrophe-quoate (') are escaped. Starting from FreeMarker 2.3. 1, it also escapes > as \> (to avoid </script>). Furthermore, all characters under UCS code point 0x20, that has no dedicated escape sequence in JavaScript language, will be replaced with hexadecimal escape (\xXX).

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2 Answers

Sorry, ?number does work fine. I was not able to compare the converted number with another number.

This didn't work for me:

<#assign num = numString?number>  <#if num > 100> </#if> 

When I enclosed (num > 100) inside the brackets it worked:

<#if (num > 100)> </#if> 

Since the comparison was not working, I was assuming that conversion was not happening. My bad.

like image 173
Mady Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 10:09


In your code, you use the closed bracket, so freemarker is evaluating

<#if num > 

you should instead use

<#if num gt 100> 

This is discussed at the end of this documentation on if statements https://freemarker.apache.org/docs/ref_directive_if.html

The reason this is working for some and not others is because of the parentheses, which is also explained at the bottom of the documentation

like image 37
Tay Moore Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 10:09

Tay Moore