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How to convert a string to a SOAPMessage in Java?





I wonder is there any way to convert a string to SOAPMessage?

Let me say I have a string as follows:

String send = "<soap:Envelope xmlns:mrns0=\"http://sdp.SOMETHING.com/mapping/TSO\" xmlns:sdp=\"http://sdp.SOMETHING.com.tr/mapping/generated\" xmlns:soap=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:xs=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\">"         + "<soap:Header>"         + "<sdp:token>"         + "<sdp:sessionId>" + sessionId + "</sdp:sessionId>"         + "</sdp:token>"         + "<sdp:transaction-list>"         + "<sdp:transaction-id>" + 11 + "</sdp:transaction-id>"         + "</sdp:transaction-list>"         + "</soap:Header>"         + "<soap:Body>"         + "<sdp:SendSMSInput>"         + "<sdp:EXPIRY_DATE>" + extime + "</sdp:EXPIRY_DATE>"         + "<sdp:MESSAGE_CLASS>0</sdp:MESSAGE_CLASS>"         + "<sdp:S_DATE>" + time + "</sdp:S_DATE>"         + "<sdp:SHORT_NUMBER>1905</sdp:SHORT_NUMBER>"         + "<sdp:SRC_MSISDN>" + numSend + "</sdp:SRC_MSISDN>"         + "<sdp:TO_RECEIVERS>"         + "<sdp:msisdn>" + numSend + "</sdp:msisdn>"         + "</sdp:TO_RECEIVERS>"         + "<sdp:MESSAGE_BODY>"         + "<sdp:message>Message body here.</sdp:message>"         + "</sdp:MESSAGE_BODY>"         + "</sdp:SendSMSInput>"         + "</soap:Body>"         + "</soap:Envelope>"; 

How do I convert the string?

like image 404
Ali Yucel Akgul Avatar asked Nov 28 '12 21:11

Ali Yucel Akgul

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1 Answers

Convert the String into an input stream, then read it into the SOAP message factory.

InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(send.getBytes()); SOAPMessage request = MessageFactory.newInstance().createMessage(null, is); 

You can read about how to do this here.

like image 177
durron597 Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 11:09
