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How to convert a list of strings into a list of objects?

I have a list of roles in a database. They are of the form


So each role has an entry based on read/write permission. I want to convert the roles into a POJO which I can then send as JSON to a UI. Each POJO would have the role name, and a boolean for read or write permission.

Here is the RolePermission class:

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;

public class RolePermission {
    private String roleName;
    private boolean readAllowed;
    private boolean writeAllowed;

    public String getRoleName() {
        return roleName;

    public RolePermission setRoleName(String roleName) {
        this.roleName = roleName;
        return this;

    public boolean isReadAllowed() {
        return readAllowed;

    public RolePermission setReadAllowed(boolean readAllowed) {
        this.readAllowed = readAllowed;
        return this;

    public boolean isWriteAllowed() {
        return writeAllowed;

    public RolePermission setWriteAllowed(boolean writeAllowed) {
        this.writeAllowed = writeAllowed;
        return this;

I am doing the transformation like so:

public static final String ROLE_PREFIX = "application.";
public static final String ROLE_READ_PERMISSION = "read";
public static final String ROLE_WRITE_PERMISSION = "write";

public List<RolePermission> getRoles(Backend backend) {
    List<String> allRoles = backend.getRoles()
            .map(s -> s.replace(ROLE_PREFIX, ""))
    Map<String, RolePermission> roleMap = new HashMap<>();
    for (String role : allRoles) {
        String[] tokens = role.split(".");
        String roleName = tokens[0];
        String permission = tokens[1];
        if (!roleMap.containsKey(roleName))
            roleMap.put(roleName, new RolePermission().setRoleName(roleName));
        RolePermission permission = roleMap.get(roleName);
        if (ROLE_READ_PERMISSION.equals(permission))
        if (ROLE_WRITE_PERMISSION.equals(permission))
    return new LinkedList<>(roleMap.values());

Is there a way to do the foreach loop above using Java 8 streams?

This is a mock Backend instance that just returns a list of roles:

public class Backend {
    public List<String> getRoles() {
        return Arrays.asList(
like image 803
Jose Avatar asked Nov 06 '17 18:11


1 Answers

You can use groupingBy to join the different permissions for the same roleName together.

public static final String ROLE_PREFIX = "application.";
public static final String ROLE_READ_PERMISSION = "read";
public static final String ROLE_WRITE_PERMISSION = "write";

public List<RolePermission> getRoles(Backend backend) {
    Map<String, List<String[]>> allRoles = backend.getRoles()
            .map(s -> s.replace(ROLE_PREFIX, "")) // something like "Role1.read"
            .map(s -> s.split("\\.")) // something like ["Role1", "read"]
            .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(split -> split[0]));
    return allRoles.values()

private RolePermission buildPermission(List<String[]> roleEntries) {
    RolePermission permission = new RolePermission().setRoleName(roleEntries.get(0)[0]);
               .forEach(entry -> {
                   if (ROLE_READ_PERMISSION.equals(entry[1]))
                   if (ROLE_WRITE_PERMISSION.equals(entry[1]))
    return permission;

I also think that your String.split was using an incorrect regex in the original post, because . is a special regex character. I've tested this and it works correctly.


[RolePermission(roleName=Role3, readAllowed=true, writeAllowed=false), 
 RolePermission(roleName=Role2, readAllowed=true, writeAllowed=false),
 RolePermission(roleName=Role1, readAllowed=true, writeAllowed=true)]
like image 162
durron597 Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 08:10
