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How to convert a Django HttpResponse to a Django render call


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What is the difference between HttpResponse and render in Django?

Abid covers it, render is usually used to load a template and a context, while HttpResponse is usually for data. As it's bad practice to "respond" with html. Render is essentially a shortuct for HttpResponse , It provides a more effective way to modify templates, and load data dynamically.

What is Django HttpResponse?

HttpResponse (source code) provides an inbound HTTP request to a Django web application with a text response. This class is most frequently used as a return object from a Django view.

How render works in Django?

render() Combines a given template with a given context dictionary and returns an HttpResponse object with that rendered text. Django does not provide a shortcut function which returns a TemplateResponse because the constructor of TemplateResponse offers the same level of convenience as render() .

What is a request object in Django?

Django uses request and response objects to pass state through the system. When a page is requested, Django creates an HttpRequest object that contains metadata about the request. Then Django loads the appropriate view, passing the HttpRequest as the first argument to the view function.

I have the following code

def ajax_login_request(request):
      dictionary = request.POST
      dictionary = request.GET
   user = authenticate(username = dictionary[u'login'], password = dictionary[u'password'])
   if user and user.is_active:
      login(request, user)
      result = True
      result = False
   response = HttpResponse(json.dumps(result), mimetype = u'application/json')
   return response

which is being called via ajax. I'm a noob and this is from an example in a book. Unfortunately the version of Django I'm using throws a CSRF error on this. I've done the other CSRF bits, but I don't know how to change the HttpResponse bit to a render call. I do not want to use CSRF_exempt, because I have no idea when that is appropriate. Can someone please provide me the equivalent render call for the HttpResponse above.
