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How to "convert" a dequed object to string in Python?

I am trying to output a rotated version of a string. I have taken a string, z="string", and created a deque out of it, y=collections.deque(z) (deque(['S','t','r','i','n','g']), and rotated it using the rotate method. How do I "convert" that deque object I rotated back to a string?

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Stephen Paul Avatar asked Jul 25 '13 21:07

Stephen Paul

People also ask

How do I convert an object to a string in Python?

Python is all about objects thus the objects can be directly converted into strings using methods like str() and repr(). Str() method is used for the conversion of all built-in objects into strings. Similarly, repr() method as part of object conversion method is also used to convert an object back to a string.

Is object same as string Python?

Strings are objects in Python which means that there is a set of built-in functions that you can use to manipulate strings.

How do you convert an item to a list in Python?

How to Convert a String to a List of Words. Another way to convert a string to a list is by using the split() Python method. The split() method splits a string into a list, where each list item is each word that makes up the string. Each word will be an individual list item.

Is a Deque a list Python?

As you learned earlier, deque is implemented as a doubly linked list. So, every item in a given deque holds a reference (pointer) to the next and previous item in the sequence. Doubly linked lists make appending and popping items from either end light and efficient operations.

1 Answers

Answer to your question: Since a deque is a sequence, you can generally use str.join to form a string from the ordered elements of that collection. str.join works more broadly on any Python iterable to form a string from the elements joined together one by one.

BUT, suggestion, instead of a deque and rotate and join, you can also concatenate slices on the string itself to form a new string:

>>> z="string"
>>> rot=3
>>> z[rot:]+z[:rot]

Which works both ways:

>>> rz=z[rot:]+z[:rot]
>>> rz
>>> rz[-rot:]+rz[:-rot]

Besides being easier to read (IMHO) It also turns out to be a whole lot faster:

from __future__ import print_function  #same code for Py2 Py3
import timeit
import collections

def f1(tgt,rot=3):
    return tgt[rot:]+tgt[:rot]

def f2(tgt,rot=3):
    return ''.join(y)

print(f1(z)==f2(z))    # Make sure they produce the same result
t1=timeit.timeit("f1(z)", setup="from __main__ import f1,z")
t2=timeit.timeit("f2(z)", setup="from __main__ import f2,z")    
print('f1: {:.2f} secs\nf2: {:.2f} secs\n faster is {:.2f}% faster.\n'.format(


f1: 0.32 secs
f2: 5.02 secs
 faster is 1474.49% faster.
like image 57
dawg Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
