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How to control the dimension / size of a plot with ggplot2




I am using ggplot2 (respectively qplot) to generate a report with Sweave. Now I need some help with the adjustment of the size of the plot. I use the following Sweave code to include it.


If I add a width argument (like shown below) to plot is squeezed down, but not really scaled down.


If I use ggsave() instead, I could use a scale argument and influence the size of the resulting .pdf file. Is there a way to influence the dimensions of the plot without saving it (since the .pdf is generated by Sweave anyway) ? Is there anything I need to add to my qplot code?

+ scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-0.3,0.3))

Thx for any suggestions in advance!

like image 287
Matt Bannert Avatar asked Jul 29 '10 22:07

Matt Bannert

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2 Answers

Instead of doing this within ggplot2, add the following LaTeX code before the code chunk where you print the graph.

\SweaveOpts{width=x, height=y}

x and y are height and width in inches.

If there is a particular aspect ratio you would like your plot to be, you can set this in ggplot2 with opts(). Unless I have some other reason, I usually try to keep my plots scaled to the golden ratio, per Tufte's suggestions. Usually I have

SweaveOpts{width=8, height=5}
<<label = "makeplot", echo = F>>=
  p <- ggplot(mpg, aes(displ, hwy)) + 
    opts(aspect.ratio = 2/(1+sqrt(5)) )
like image 191
JoFrhwld Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 00:11


The Sweave options width and height influence the dimensions of the PDF file but not the size of the figures in the document. Put something like


after \begin{document} to get smaller plots.

Source: Sweave manual, sec. 4.1.2

like image 45
Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 23:11

Jyotirmoy Bhattacharya