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How to control space between stack bars in ggplot2?

I'm plotting a stack barplot in ggplot2. My dataset is like,

var1         var2   var3       value
treatment1  group_1 C8.0    0.010056478
treatment2  group_1 C8.0    0.009382918
treatment3  group_2 C8.0    0.003014983
treatment4  group_2 C8.0    0.005349631
treatment5  group_2 C8.0    0.005349631

var1 contains 5 treatments, these five treatments belong to two groups in var2, and each treatment has 14 measurements in var3, their value stored in value.

I want to make a plot to compare these five treatments, and their measurements. so I plot with stack bar plot like this figure: enter image description here

My code:

colourCount = length(unique(mydata$var3))
getPalette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(14, "YlGnBu")) #get more color from palette

ggplot(data=mydata, aes(x=var1, y=value, fill=var3))+
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position="stack", colour="black", width=.2)+
  *#geom_errorbar(aes(ymax=var3+se, ymin=var3-se, width=.1))+*
  scale_fill_manual(values = getPalette(colourCount))+

  scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0, 0))+

How could I group the first two stacked columns together, and the other three columns together? Because they belong to two groups in var2.

like image 822
Jellz Avatar asked Aug 15 '17 20:08


People also ask

How do I increase space between bars in bar chart?

To set space between bars in Bar Plot drawn using barplot() function, pass the required spacing value for space parameter in the function call.

How do I increase the space between grouped bars in ggplot2?

For grouped bars, there is no space between bars within each group by default. However, you can add some space between bars within a group, by making the width smaller and setting the value for position_dodge to be larger than width.

How do I change the width of a bar in ggplot2?

To Increase or Decrease width of Bars of BarPlot, we simply assign one more width parameter to geom_bar() function. We can give values from 0.00 to 1.00 as per our requirements.

What is Geom Col?

If you want the heights of the bars to represent values in the data, use geom_col() instead. geom_bar() uses stat_count() by default: it counts the number of cases at each x position. geom_col() uses stat_identity() : it leaves the data as is.

1 Answers

The "duplicate question" comments above will lead you to an answer like this one:

dummydf <- expand.grid(var1 = paste0("trt", 1:5),
            var3 = paste0("C_", 11:15)) %>% 
  mutate(value = runif(length(var1)),
         var2 = ifelse(var1 %in% c("trt1", "trt2"), "grp1", "grp2"))

  ggplot(dummydf, aes(var1, value, fill = var3)) +
  geom_col(position = "stack") +
  facet_grid(~var2, scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") 

enter image description here

And this solution is sometimes great! The advantages are:

  1. it's simple to implement
  2. contains the labels for the hierarchical grouping at the top
  3. generally looks nice
  4. is easily customizable.

For example:

  ggplot(dummydf, aes(var1, value, fill = var3)) +
  geom_col(position = "stack") +
  facet_grid(~var2, scales = "free_x", space = "free_x") +
  theme(panel.spacing = unit(3, "cm"),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 12, family = "mono"))

enter image description here

The main disadvantages to this method:

  1. If this is already part of a facet panelled plot, it makes the whole thing cluttered.
  2. If your hierarchical groups are obvious from the treatments, you may not need explicit labelling, just a quick visual distinction. For example, say the groups are control/intervention, and your treatments are "no drug, placebo" and "drugs 1, 2, and 3".

So here's an alternate method:

dummydf %>% 
  bind_rows(data_frame(var1 = "trt99")) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(var1, value, fill = var3)) +
  geom_col(position = "stack") +
  scale_x_discrete(limits = c("trt1", "trt2", "trt99", "trt3", "trt4", "trt5"),
                   breaks = c("trt1", "trt2",      NA, "trt3", "trt4", "trt5"),
                   labels = c("trt1", "trt2",      "", "trt3", "trt4", "trt5"))

enter image description here

This solution has its own drawbacks, primarily that you can only customize the space in a limited way. You can create a "false" bar equal to an integer multiple of the widths of the bars you've already got by adding additional false levels to your limits, breaks, and labels. But you can't create a space that's only half a bar wide.

You could provide additional information in the false bar space though:

  1. Adding a text annotation in the plot area
  2. Replacing the NA and "" in breaks and labels with trt99 and "<-group1 | group2->" or something similar.
like image 127
Brian Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
