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How to control order of assignment for new identity column in SQL Server?

I have a table with CreateDate datetime field default(getdate()) that does not have any identity column.

I would like to add identity(1,1) field that would reflect same order of existing records as CreateDate field (order by would give same results). How can I do that?

I guess if I create clustered key on CreateDate field and then add identity column it will work (not sure if it's guaranteed), is there a good/better way?

I am interested in SQL Server 2005, but I guess the answer will be the same for SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2000.

like image 711
alpav Avatar asked Mar 15 '10 19:03


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1 Answers

Following on from Remus' theoretical answer... you need to generate a list first with your ideal ordering

    ID, CreateDate
    ) foo

Then, the best solution is to use SSMS to add the IDENTITY property to MyNewTable. SSMS will generate a script that includes SET IDENTITY INSERT to preserve the order

Note: IDENTITY columns are just numbers that have no implicit meaning and nothing should be inferred by their alignment with the CreateDate after this exercise...

like image 188
gbn Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
