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How to continue sql script on error?




We have a couple of migration scripts, which alter the schema from version to version.

Sometimes it happens, that a migration step (e.g. adding a column to a table) was already done manually or by a patch installation, and thus the migration script fails.

How do I prevent the script from stopping on error (ideally at specific expected errors) and instead log a message and continue with the script?

We use PostgresQL 9.1, both a solution for PostgresQL as well as a general SQL solution would be fine.

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Alexander Rühl Avatar asked Jun 26 '14 12:06

Alexander Rühl

2 Answers

Although @LucM's answer seems to be good recommendation - @TomasGreif pointed me to an answer that went more in the direction of my origin request.

For the given example of adding a column, this can be done by using the DO statement for catching the exception:

DO $$ 
            ALTER TABLE mytable ADD COLUMN counter integer default 0; 
            WHEN duplicate_column THEN RAISE NOTICE 'counter column already exists';

The hint led me to the right PostgresQL site, describing the error codes one could trap - so that was the right solution for me.

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Alexander Rühl Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 02:11

Alexander Rühl

I don't think that you have another solution than running the entire script outside of a transaction.

What I would do if I was in that situation:

  • Do the modifications to the metadata (drop/create table/column...) outside of a transaction.
  • Do all modifications to the data (update/insert/delete) inside a transaction.
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Luc M Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11

Luc M