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How to connect to a Redis container using Docker Compose?

This docker-compose.yml seems to work OK:

version: '3' services:   web:     image: web-app     command: bundle exec rackup     ports:      - "9292:9292"     links:       - redis   redis:     image: redis 


docker build -t web-app .; docker-compose up 

The Web App is expecting a REDIS_URL config. Web App Dockerfile:

ENV REDIS_URL redis:6379 

It seems that the Web App cannot connect to the Redis:

Redis::CannotConnectError - Error connecting to Redis on (Errno::ECONNREFUSED): 

So, what is the Redis URL for the Web App?

Do I need to expose the Redis port (6379)?


Thanks to @Andy Shinn, I see the redis url should be redis://6379.
Now I get Errno::EINVAL - Invalid argument - connect(2) for This may have to do with Redis v 3.2.8. I'll try another version and see if it works.

EDIT #2:

3.2.8 works fine with the app on my local machine, so that is not the issue.

like image 461
B Seven Avatar asked Feb 21 '17 20:02

B Seven

People also ask

What is Redis docker compose?

Redis is an open-source in-memory datastore used as a database, cache, and even a message broker. Redis can be used easily with docker and docker-compose for local development as a cache to a web application.

1 Answers

The issue is that redis is "variable" that will be interpolated in the Dockerfile.

ENV REDIS_URL redis:6379 

But the Redis URL should start with the literal redis.

So, the fix is updating the docker compose:

redis_db:   image: redis:3.2.8 

The desired config is:


Thanks to BMitch and Andy Shinn for helping me figure this out.

like image 119
B Seven Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

B Seven