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How to configure WebStorm to debug meteor server files?

How can I configure webstorm to debug meteor server files?

like image 434
jonperl Avatar asked Jan 25 '13 17:01


People also ask

How do I run debug mode in WebStorm?

To start debugging, hold Ctrl+Shift and click the link. WebStorm starts a debugging session with an automatically generated Attach to Node. js/Chrome configuration.

How do I change the run configuration in WebStorm?

Add Run/Debug configurations to the Services window Select View | Tool Windows | Services from the main menu or press Alt+8 . In the Services tool window, click Add service, then select Run Configuration Type. Select a run/debug configuration type from the list to add all configurations of this type to the window.

1 Answers

I got it working with PHPStorm. See: WEB-6264 I did have to make a slight modification to the configuration though.

  1. Install NodeJS plugin from the Plugin Repository
  2. Create a Node.js Remote Debug run configuration and fill in the fields:
    • Host : (host of meteor app running, leave untouched if meteor is running on your local machine)
    • Debug port : 5858
    • Local directory : /path/to/your/meteor/project
    • Remote path : app
  3. NODE_OPTIONS="--debug" meteor
like image 99
pstuart2 Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 23:10
