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How to configure Stylus support in a React.js application?

I want the classes in my React.js application to be available for export from .styl-files in the same way as it can be done from CSS Modules, but I can't find any ready-made solution to this problem.

I found a guide to setting up CSS Modules in an application created with Create React App.
I understand that you need to run npm run eject and somehow rewrite configuration files,
but how – I don't understand.

like image 920
Artyom Ionash Avatar asked Aug 31 '18 08:08

Artyom Ionash

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2 Answers

You need to install next npm-packages in your project:

  • stylus
  • stylus-loader
  • css-loader

In webpack.config, in section module you need to add next points:

  test: /\.styl$/,
  use: [
  test: /\.css$/,
  use: [

Then you can import your styles from .styl files in your React components like this:

import style from './СomponentStyle.styl'; 

and you can use style by CSS name for example:


where container - it is name of CSS but without dot. For complicated names like: .container-btn-green you need write next code: style.containerBtnGreen or style['container-btn-green']

like image 83
Denis Bubnov Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Denis Bubnov

Run-time solution ( without eject )

install react-rewired and customize-cra to have an option to update config on run-time

npm i react-app-rewired
npm i customize-cra

create file config-overrides.js in the package.json folder with content :

const {
  } = require("customize-cra");

module.exports = override(
      test: /\.styl$/,
      exclude: /(node_modules)/,
      loaders: [
          loader: 'css-loader',
          options: {url: false}
          loader: 'postcss-loader',
          options: {
            ident: 'postcss',
            plugins: (loader) => [require('autoprefixer')()]
      test: /\.css$/,
      use: [

install stylus

npm i stylus
npm i stylus-loader
npm i css-loader 

change your start / build scripts to use react-rewired

"scripts": {
    "start": "react-app-rewired start",
    "build": "react-app-rewired build",

Then you can import your styles from .styl files in your React components



import style from './СomponentStyle.styl'; --> className={style.container} 

This all :) Additional thanks to Denis Bubnov in current topic - you helped me much to implement current solution!

like image 45
Konstantin Eletskiy Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Konstantin Eletskiy