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How to configure spring boot application to use aspectj transactions?

I would like to use transactions done by aspects in spring-boot aplication, but so far I mostly found help for more "ordinary" setups...

What I've managed to set up so far?

I've got those annotations on main class:


And this in my properties:


I'm starting application with java agents spring-instrument and aspectj-weaver and I can see aspects in stacktrace where I've used @Transactional so at least this is working.

Also, what is really strange, problem started only after I added second entity - first one worked without problem, but now I'm having this error:

org.hibernate.HibernateException: Could not obtain transaction-synchronized Session for current thread

From what I've noticed beanFactory is null when invokeWithinTransaction is being run on TransactionAspectSupport - but it's being set during bean creation (and from what I've seen in debug when beanFactory is null TransactionAspectSupport won't start a transaction because it isn't able to get TransactionManager). I guess non-bean instance of TransactionAspectSupport is being created at some point and that may be the reason for my problem (but then how and why?)?


From what I've noticed @Transactional is handled by AnnotationTransactionAspect in one case, but by JtaAnnotationTransactionAspect in another.

Any ideas what I'm missing? Perhaps some magical property I should set?

Oh, and here are my dependencies, if that is important:

like image 866
korda Avatar asked Dec 15 '15 20:12


1 Answers

Ok. I'm an idiot, who didn't look what autoimport is doing.

I've used org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional in one place and javax.transaction.Transactional in another.

After changing everything to spring provided @Transactional it started to work.

like image 152
korda Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
