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How to configure MySQL/PHP to use less memory?


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Why does MySQL consume so much memory?

In simple terms, MySQL is using 30% of the total memory so that it can run future queries as quickly as possible. Even when MySQL is processing no query, it uses memory to cache recently used tables and index information of all the tables, based on configuration of memory limits.

Does MySQL have a memory limit?

This will give the Recommended Setting for MyISAM Key Cache (key_buffer_size) given your current data set (the query will cap the recommendation at 4G (4096M). For 32-bit OS, 4GB is the limit. For 64-bit, 8GB.

I need to use the minimal amount possible of RAM on a VM Server running Ubuntu, using LAMP. Is there known tips for using minimal mem? I already set the MySQL cache/childs but that isn't helping much.