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How to configure liquibase maven plugin to generate sql output for oracle

I have an spring/hibernate/mysql app, and I use liquibase maven plugin (Intellij Idea) to generate DB. Here is my liquibase.properties configuration:

url                 jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/dbName
username            username
password            pass
changeLogFile       src/main/scripts/changeLog.xml
referenceUrl        hibernate:hibernate.cfg.xml
diffChangeLogFile   src/main/scripts/diffChangeLog.xml
driver              com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

As you can see, this works directly with the db, and change it on liquibase-update.

Question: Is there any option to change my configuration to generate sql output for oracle DB? So, not to work directly with database, but to create output script.

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Djordje Ivanovic Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 04:12

Djordje Ivanovic

1 Answers

Liquibase uses two separate actions for updating directly and generating SQL.

use mvn liquibase:update to update the database

use mvn liquibase:updateSQL to generate SQL

If the goal is bound to a lifecycle, you need to change that.

like image 159
Niels Bech Nielsen Avatar answered Jan 25 '23 23:01

Niels Bech Nielsen