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How to configure fault tolerance programmatically for a spring tasklet (not a chunk)



Programmatically configuring fault tolerance for a chunk works kind of as follows:


The trick is, that with adding "chunk", the chain switches to a SimpleStepBuilder which offers the "faultTolerant" method.

My question is how to do that if you just have a tasklet (no reader, processor, writer)?

Defining a tasklet works as follows:


The usage of "tasklet" switches to a TaskletStepBuilder which does not offer a "faultTolerant" method. Therefore I see no way how to define properties like skipLimit and that like.

Any ideas?

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Horowitzathome Avatar asked May 07 '14 16:05


2 Answers

A Tasklet has no notion of "items" to skip, so fault tolerance only makes sense for a chunk-oriented step. I suggest you use Spring Retry in the raw (1.1.0.RELEASE is out now, just, and you have some fluent builder options and a @Retryable annotation there).

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Dave Syer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Dave Syer

Based on the guidance given by @DaveSyer and using org.springframework.retry:spring-retry:1.1.0.RELEASE this is what I have ended up with:

Tasklet tasklet = // whatever
ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory(Tasklet, new SingletonTargetSource(tasklet));
Step step = stepBuilderFactory.get("taskName")

The only thing I'm struggling with still is if I want to swallow the exception that causes the retry after maxAttempts is exceeded. If I add an ExceptionHandler to the step then the step is never retried. I guess that means the exception handler is inside the pointcut which I find a little surprising.

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Rob Fletcher Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Rob Fletcher