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How to configure Codeigniter to report all errors?

I had a line - $autoload['libraries'] = array('database');, in CI's autoload.php. Because of this I was getting a blank page. When I removed the 'database', option then I started getting the output.

Now my question is not how to configure the database, but how to configure CI to speak its mind. When 'database' was enabled all I got was a complete blank page. No error in php log, no error in Apache log, no error in CI log. In PHP I have set E_ALL. In my CI config I have set log_threshold to 4, i.e. all messages should be logged. What more do I need to do?

like image 611
AppleGrew Avatar asked Sep 10 '11 07:09


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1 Answers

It depends on your version of CI. For < 2.x edit the top level index.php and adjust the error_reporting function to use E_ALL"


For >= 2.x edit the top level index.php and make sure ENVIRONMENT is set as:

define('ENVIRONMENT', 'development');

which sets the error_reporting to E_ALL.

like image 147
davidethell Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
