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How to configure AWS S3 SDK for Node.JS to be used with localhost?

I'm trying to use fakes3 as an endpoint for some simple S3 code I've written. I can't get beyond the connection stage though.

The current error is: NetworkingError: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND.

I've got configuration setup:

"aws": {                                
    "accessKeyId": "123",               
    "secretAccessKey": "abc",           
    "region": "",                       
    "endpoint": "http://localhost:8081",
    "sslEnabled": false                 

var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
// loaded the config into an object called `config`:

s3 = new AWS.S3();
// also tried creating an `EndPoint`:
s3.endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(config.aws.endpoint);  

When I try simple code like:

s3.putObject({ Bucket: 'logging', Key: "logging123", Body: "started" }, 
   function(err, data) {
   if (err) {

The error mentioned above occurs. When I leave out directly setting the endPoint, the request is made to the East AWS region (and ignores the endpoint value I've passed in via configuration).

And, I'm running fakes3 using the command line:

fakes3 -r c:\temp\_fakes3 -p 8081
Loading FakeS3 with c:/temp/_fakes3 on port 8081 with hostname s3.amazonaws.com
[2013-11-30 14:20:22] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
[2013-11-30 14:20:22] INFO  ruby 2.0.0 (2013-06-27) [x64-mingw32]
[2013-11-30 14:20:22] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=11800 port=8081
like image 876
WiredPrairie Avatar asked Nov 30 '13 21:11


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2 Answers

In the AWS SDK docs there is the following option:

s3ForcePathStyle (boolean)

Returns whether to force path style URLs for S3 objects

I've tested it works with this config:

var config = {
  accessKeyId: "123",
  secretAccessKey: "abc",
  endpoint: "localhost:3000",
  sslEnabled: false,
  s3ForcePathStyle: true
s3Client = new AWS.S3();
like image 63
Flukey Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 06:10


If you're using the aws sdk version 3. The config structure has changed and s3ForcePathStyle is now renamed to forcePathStyle

const { S3 } = require("@aws-sdk/client-s3");

const config = {
          "credentials": {
            "accessKeyId": "minioadmin",
            "secretAccessKey": "minioadmin"
          "endpoint": "",
          "sslEnabled": false,
          "forcePathStyle": true
const s3Client = new S3(config);

// example of usage
const response = await s3Client.listObjectsV2({
      Bucket: 'bucketname',
      Prefix: 'prefix'

like image 21
Melchia Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 05:10
