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How to concatenate columns properly using T-SQL?


I have a address in more than one column in a table.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, StreetAddress, City, Country, PostalCode  FROM Client 

I am trying to concatenate address related columns into one filed using Comma (,) as a separator but if any of the column "eg. City" is null or empty, comma should not be there.

How to use ternary operator in TSQL like one has in c#? Or suggest me the best practice?


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User13839404 Avatar asked Mar 08 '11 16:03


People also ask

How do I concatenate a column in a string in SQL?

To append a string to another and return one result, use the || operator. This adds two strings from the left and right together and returns one result. If you use the name of the column, don't enclose it in quotes. However, in using a string value as a space or text, enclose it in quotes.

How do I concatenate all values in a column in SQL Server?

Concatenate Rows Using COALESCE All you have to do is, declare a varchar variable and inside the coalesce, concat the variable with comma and the column, then assign the COALESCE to the variable. In this method, you don't need to worry about the trailing comma.

1 Answers

When you concatenate anything with a null, it returns null. So I'm trying to concatenate a comma with the given column value and if that expression returns null, I use Coalesce to return an empty string. At the end, if I get a value, the entire result will start with a comma. So I remove that comma using the Stuff function.

Select Stuff(     Coalesce(',' + FirstName,'')     + Coalesce(',' + LastName,'')     + Coalesce(',' + StreetAddress,'')     + Coalesce(',' + City,'')     + Coalesce(',' + Country,'')     + Coalesce(',' + PostalCode ,'')     , 1, 1, '') From Client 

If you only want the address, then obviously you would only include those columns:

Select FirstName, LastName     , Stuff(         Coalesce(',' + StreetAddress,'')         + Coalesce(',' + City,'')         + Coalesce(',' + Country,'')         + Coalesce(',' + PostalCode ,'')     , 1, 1, '') From Client 
like image 138
Thomas Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09
