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How to compose redux reducers with dependent state

I am working on a React/Redux application that allows for "widgets" to be added to a page and manipulated in 2D space. It is a requirement that multiple widgets can be selected and manipulated at once. A simplified version of my current state tree looks something like the following...

  widgets: {
    widget_1: { x: 100, y: 200 },
    widget_2: { x: 300, y: 400 },
    widget_3: { x: 500, y: 600 }
  selection: {
    widgets: [ "widget_1", "widget_3" ]

I currently have this tree managed by 2 reducers one managing widgets state and the other managing selection state. The selection state reducer can be simplified as (note: I am using Immutable.js too)...

currentlySelectedWidgets(state = EMPTY_SELECTION, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      return state.set('widgets' , List(action.ids));
      return state

This all seems to work quite well but I now have a requirement that I am struggling to fit into this model...

For UI purposes I need to have the current selection have an x/y property which is reflective of the upper left corner of the currently selected widgets x/y co-ordinates. An example state might look like...

  widgets: {
    widget_1: { x: 100, y: 200 },
    widget_2: { x: 300, y: 400 },
    widget_3: { x: 500, y: 600 }
  selection: {
    x: 100,
    y: 200,
    widgets: [ "widget_1", "widget_3" ]

The logic here is fairly simple, e.g. find the min() of all the selected widgets x and y values but I am unsure of how I should handle this in terms of reducer composition as the currentlySelectedWidgets reducer has no access to the widgets part of the state tree. I have considered...

  • merging the reducers into one reducer: this doesn't seem like a great scalable solution.
  • passing the current list of widgets around with the action: this seems particularly nasty.
  • finding a better way to model the state tree: I've had a think but any alternative versions seem to have other drawbacks.
  • Building a custom combineReducers() that can feed the widgets list into my currentlySelectedWidgets() reducer as an additional argument: I think this might be my best bet.

I am keen to hear any other suggestions on how others are managing similar situations, it seems like managing a "current selection" must be a common state problem that others must have had to solve.

like image 894
andykent Avatar asked Nov 27 '15 18:11


1 Answers

This is a good use case for Reselect:

Create a selector to access your state and return derived data.

As an example:

import { createSelector } from 'reselect'

const widgetsSelector = state => state.widgets;
const selectedWidgetsSelector = state => state.selection.widgets;

function minCoordinateSelector(widgets, selected) {
  const x_list = selected.map((widget) => {
    return widgets[widget].x;

  const y_list = selected.map((widget) => {
    return widgets[widget].y;

  return {
    x: Math.min(...x_list),
    y: Math.min(...y_list)

const coordinateSelector = createSelector(
  (widgets, selected) => {
    return minCoordinateSelector(widgets, selected);

The coordinateSelector now provides access to your min x and y properties. The above selector will only be updated when either the widgetsSelector or selectedWidgetsSelector state changes, making this a very performant way to access the properties you are after and avoids duplication in your state tree.

like image 145
Ashley 'CptLemming' Wilson Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 14:09

Ashley 'CptLemming' Wilson