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How to compile RarCrack on Mac OSX?






I'm trying to compile Rarcrack by my command line, using command:

gcc -pthread rarcrack.c `xml2-config --libs --cflags` -O2 -o rarcrack

I am using the latest version of Xcode with command line tools.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "_savestatus", referenced from:
      _loadstatus in rarcrack-sh2Aob.o
      _status_thread in rarcrack-sh2Aob.o
      _crack_thread in rarcrack-sh2Aob.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I keep getting these architecture errors. Any dice on the meaning?

like image 915
Alex V Avatar asked Sep 22 '13 16:09

Alex V

1 Answers

Today I wanted a small .rar/.zip password cracker and came across Rarcrack.

I was able to compile Rarcrack(from http://rarcrack.sourceforge.net/) to Mac OSX(my Github: https://github.com/jaredsburrows/Rarcrack).

Basically, Mac OSX's version of GCC did not like the usage of the many inline functions that were in the original code. I removed the inline functions, making them normal functions and with a few other minor changes got it to compile. I checked that it worked by running rarcrack on the examples provided.

How to compile:

$ git clone https://github.com/jaredsburrows/Rarcrack
$ cd Rarcrack
$ make
like image 135
Jared Burrows Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 23:10

Jared Burrows