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How to compare only date components from DateTime in EF?

People also ask

How do you compare datetime dates?

Use the datetime Module and the < / > Operator to Compare Two Dates in Python. datetime and simple comparison operators < or > can be used to compare two dates. The datetime module provides the timedelta method to manipulate dates and times.

Is EF core faster than ef6?

EF Core 6.0 itself is 31% faster executing queries. Heap allocations have been reduced by 43%.

What is EF Linq?

LINQ allows you to use C# (or your . NET language of choice) to write strongly typed queries. It uses your derived context and entity classes to reference database objects. EF Core passes a representation of the LINQ query to the database provider.

Use the class EntityFunctions for trimming the time portion.

using System.Data.Objects;    

var bla = (from log in context.Contacts
           where EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(log.ModifiedDate) ==  EntityFunctions.TruncateTime(today.Date)
           select log).FirstOrDefault();

Source: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/csharpgeneral/thread/84d4e18b-7545-419b-9826-53ff1a0e2a62/


As of EF 6.0 and later EntityFunctions is replaced by DbFunctions.

NOTE: at the time of writing this answer, the EF-relation was unclear (that was edited into the question after this was written). For correct approach with EF, check Mandeeps answer.

You can use the DateTime.Date property to perform a date-only comparison.

DateTime a = GetFirstDate();
DateTime b = GetSecondDate();

if (a.Date.Equals(b.Date))
    // the dates are equal

I think this could help you.

I made an extension since I have to compare dates in repositories filled with EF data and so .Date was not an option since it is not implemented in LinqToEntities translation.

Here is the code:

        /// <summary>
    /// Check if two dates are same
    /// </summary>
    /// <typeparam name="TElement">Type</typeparam>
    /// <param name="valueSelector">date field</param>
    /// <param name="value">date compared</param>
    /// <returns>bool</returns>
    public Expression<Func<TElement, bool>> IsSameDate<TElement>(Expression<Func<TElement, DateTime>> valueSelector, DateTime value)
        ParameterExpression p = valueSelector.Parameters.Single();

        var antes = Expression.GreaterThanOrEqual(valueSelector.Body, Expression.Constant(value.Date, typeof(DateTime)));

        var despues = Expression.LessThan(valueSelector.Body, Expression.Constant(value.AddDays(1).Date, typeof(DateTime)));

        Expression body = Expression.And(antes, despues);

        return Expression.Lambda<Func<TElement, bool>>(body, p);

then you can use it in this way.

 var today = DateTime.Now;
 var todayPosts = from t in turnos.Where(IsSameDate<Turno>(t => t.MyDate, today))
                                      select t);

If you use the Date property for DB Entities you will get exception:

"The specified type member 'Date' is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported."

You can use something like this:

  DateTime date = DateTime.Now.Date;

  var result = from client in context.clients
               where client.BirthDate >= date
                     && client.BirthDate < date.AddDays(1)
               select client;

To do it in LINQ to Entities, you have to use supported methods:

var year = someDate.Year;
var month = ...
var q = from r in Context.Records
        where Microsoft.VisualBasic.DateAndTime.Year(r.SomeDate) == year 
              && // month and day

Ugly, but it works, and it's done on the DB server.

Here's a different way to do it, but it's only useful if SecondDate is a variable you're passing in:

DateTime startDate = SecondDate.Date;
DateTime endDate = startDate.AddDays(1).AddTicks(-1);
e => e.FirstDate.Value >= startDate && e.FirstDate.Value <= endDate

I think that should work

You can also use this:

DbFunctions.DiffDays(date1, date2) == 0