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How to compare nullables in Vb.Net?




C# is straightforward. If you have the following code there will be no surprises:

static void Main(string[] args)
    Console.WriteLine(Test(null, null,null,null));
static bool Test(int? firstLeft, int? firstRigt, int? secondLeft, int? secondRight)
    return firstLeft == firstRigt && secondLeft == secondRight;

Apparently True will be printed as the result. Let's try to do something like this in VB:

Sub Main()
End Sub

Function Test(FirstLeft As Integer?, FirstRight As Integer?, SecondLeft As Integer?, SecondRight As Integer?) As Boolean
    Return FirstLeft = FirstRight AndAlso SecondLeft = SecondRight
End Function

Can you guess what result will be? True? Wrong. False? Wrong. The result will be InvalidOperationException.

That's because the type of nullable comparison result is not Boolean, it's Boolean?. This mean when on either side of your comparison you have Nothing, the result of the comparison won't be Trueor False, it will be Nothing. No wonder when you try to combine that with other comparison results it does not go down well.

I would like to learn the most idiomatic way to rewrite this function in VB. Here is the best I can do:

Function Test(FirstLeft As Integer?, FirstRight As Integer?, SecondLeft As Integer?, SecondRight As Integer?) As Boolean
    'If one value has value and the other does not then they are not equal
    If (FirstLeft.HasValue AndAlso Not FirstRight.HasValue) OrElse (Not FirstLeft.HasValue AndAlso  FirstRight.HasValue) Then Return False

    'If they both have value and the values are different then they are not equal
    If FirstLeft.HasValue AndAlso FirstRight.HasValue AndAlso FirstLeft.Value <> FirstRight.Value  Then Return False

    'Ok now we are confident the first values are equal. Lets repeat the excerise with second values
    If (SecondLeft.HasValue AndAlso Not SecondRight.HasValue) OrElse (Not SecondLeft.HasValue AndAlso  SecondRight.HasValue) Then Return False
    If SecondLeft.HasValue AndAlso SecondRight.HasValue AndAlso SecondLeft.Value <> SecondRight.Value  Then Return False
    Return True            
End Function

This works, but having seen the C# version of this code I can't shake the feeling that it can be implemented simpler. In this particular case only two pairs are compared, in other cases there may be more than two, and the code above becomes event more verbose and you are forced to extract a method for comparing two values, which feels like an overkill.

What is a more idiomatic way of comparing nullable values in VB?

like image 934
Andrew Savinykh Avatar asked Apr 30 '15 01:04

Andrew Savinykh

People also ask

How do you check if a value is null in VB?

Use the IsNull function to determine whether an expression contains a Null value. Expressions that you might expect to evaluate to True under some circumstances, such as If Var = Null and If Var <> Null , are always False.

How do you access the underlying value of a nullable type?

If you want to use the default value of the underlying value type in place of null , use the Nullable<T>. GetValueOrDefault() method. At run time, if the value of a nullable value type is null , the explicit cast throws an InvalidOperationException.

Which of the below allows to store null values in value types?

The Nullable type allows you to assign a null value to a variable.

Is a value that can be assigned to variables to represent no value?

When you declare a variable with a nullable value type, its HasValue property has a default value of False . This means that by default the variable has no defined value, instead of the default value of its underlying value type.

1 Answers

Function Test(FirstLeft As Integer?, FirstRight As Integer?, SecondLeft As Integer?, SecondRight As Integer?) As Boolean
    'Note the HasValue are both false, this function will return true
    Return Nullable.Equals(FirstLeft, FirstRight) AndAlso Nullable.Equals(SecondLeft, SecondRight)
End Function


enter image description here

like image 106
Eric Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 14:09
