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How to commit to svn when remote username differs from local?





I am developing on a mac and using an svn server on another machine using svn_ssh.
While I was able to do an initial check-in and check-out, I cannot do a commit from the command line because the system tries to use my local username jondoe (and prompts a password) when connecting to the remote server where my username is johnd.

So, how can I tell the svn+ssh to use johnd for my commits?

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lost baby Avatar asked Nov 21 '11 16:11

lost baby

2 Answers

  1. Backup your changes (just changed files, you mustn't overwrite .svn directory)
  2. Checkout again, but now using your remote username

    svn checkout svn+ssh://<ssh_username>@<svn host domain>/<server repository path>
  3. Restore your changes from backup

  4. Commit them

    svn commit -m 'Description'

I've just successfuly checked out and committed with different local and SSH usernames.

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Míla Mrvík Avatar answered Dec 14 '22 23:12

Míla Mrvík

Use --username option

svn commit --username johnd
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ks1322 Avatar answered Dec 15 '22 01:12
