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How to "Commit" changes to GitHub with GitHub Desktop

I have recently downloaded GitHub Desktop and clone a repository. I am trying to upload new project files in it by GitHub Desktop. How do I go about doing this?

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M Arfan Avatar asked Nov 30 '14 08:11

M Arfan

2 Answers

Okay, I too had the same problem and i figured it out. Make whatever the changes that you want to make in your local repository. open github desktop app.

click on the repository at the left hand pane.

On the top you will see a drop down menu (by default set to master in my case), change it if you so desire or leave it the way it is.

click on the changes tab.

type something in the summary section.

type something in the description section.

The commit to master gets highlighted. Click on it and it will commit to the master on your desktop app.

Now click on sync on the top right corner of your github desktop app and it will sync to the online repository.

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Gajendra D Ambi Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Gajendra D Ambi

I've noticed with the latest version I had to maximize the window for the "Summary" and "Description" text boxes to become visible. Below those fields you will notice the "Commit to master" button.

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firetiger77 Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10
