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How to clone from specific branch from Git using Gitpython

I tried to clone a repository from git using GitPython in python function. I used GitPython library for cloning from git in my python function and my code snippet as follows:

from git import Repo

Repo.clone_from('http://user:[email protected]/user/project.git', /home/antro/Project/')

It clones from master branch. How do I clone from other branch using GitPython or any other library is available to clone from individual branches? Please let me know.

I am aware of clone by mentioning branch in commandline using

git clone -b branch http://github.com/user/project.git

like image 485
Antony Avatar asked Apr 20 '17 13:04


3 Answers

just pass the branch name parameter, e.g. :-

repo = Repo.clone_from(
    'http://user:[email protected]/user/project.git',

see here for more info

like image 154
toanant Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10


From toanant's answer.

This works for me with the --single-branch option

repo = Repo.clone_from(
    'http://user:[email protected]/user/project.git --single-branch',
like image 44
Nam Pham Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10

Nam Pham

GitPython uses a keyword args transformation under the hood:

# cmd.py
def transform_kwarg(self, name: str, value: Any, split_single_char_options: bool) -> List[str]:
    if len(name) == 1:
        if value is True:
            return ["-%s" % name]
        elif value not in (False, None):
            if split_single_char_options:
                return ["-%s" % name, "%s" % value]
                return ["-%s%s" % (name, value)]
        if value is True:
            return ["--%s" % dashify(name)]
        elif value is not False and value is not None:
            return ["--%s=%s" % (dashify(name), value)]
    return []

A resulting list of command parts is fed into subprocess.Popen, so you do not want to add --single-branch to the repo URL. If you do, a strange list will be passed to Popen. For example:

['-v', '--branch=my-branch', 'https://github.com/me/my-project.git --single-branch', '/tmp/clone/here']

However, armed with this new information, you can pass any git CLI flags you like just by using the kwargs. You may then ask yourself, "How do I pass in a dash to a keyword like single-branch?" That's a no-go in Python. You will see a dashify function in the above code which transforms any flag from, say, single_branch=True to single-branch, and then to --single-branch.

Full Example:

Here is a useful example for cloning a single, shallow branch using a personal access token from GitHub:

repo_url = "https://github.com/me/private-project.git"
branch = "wip-branch"
# Notice the trailing : below
credentials = base64.b64encode(f"{GHE_TOKEN}:".encode("latin-1")).decode("latin-1")
    c=f"http.{repo_url}/.extraheader=AUTHORIZATION: basic {credentials}",

The command list sent to Popen then looks like this:

['git', 'clone', '-v', '-c', 'http.https://github.com/me/private-project.git/.extraheader=AUTHORIZATION: basic XTE...UwNTo=', '--single-branch', '--depth=1', '--bare', '--branch=wip-branch', 'https://github.com/me/private-project.git', '/clone/to/here']

(PSA: Please do not actually send your personal tokens as part of the URL before the @.)

like image 3
Drakes Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 21:10
