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How to clip just one column of dataframe



I have a pandas dataframe comprised of 3 columns: from [datetime64], to [datetime64], value [float64]. I just want to clip the "value" column to a maxmimum value.

df = dfo.clip(upper=100)

fails with TypeError: Cannot compare type 'Timestamp' with type 'int'

How can I clip just on column of a dataframe?

like image 607
Philipp Avatar asked Apr 02 '19 07:04


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1 Answers

You can specify column:

dfo['value'] = dfo['value'].clip(upper=100)

If possible multiple columns:

cols = ['value', 'another col']
dfo[cols] = dfo[cols].clip(upper=100)

Or if need clip all numeric columns filter them by DataFrame.select_dtypes:

cols = df.select_dtypes(np.number).columns
dfo[cols] = dfo[cols].clip(upper=100)
like image 162
jezrael Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 00:11
