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How to clear the cache of nginx?

People also ask

Where is the nginx cache?

/var/cache/nginx – the path to the local disk directory for the cache. levels – defines the hierarchy levels of a cache, it sets up a two-level directory hierarchy under /var/cache/nginx.

Does nginx have a cache?

By default, NGINX Plus caches all responses to requests made with the HTTP GET and HEAD methods the first time such responses are received from a proxied server. As the key (identifier) for a request, NGINX Plus uses the request string.

How do I enable nginx cache?

Go to the “Web Server” tab. In the “nginx settings” section, select the “Enable nginx caching” checkbox. (Optional) You can customize nginx caching settings. If you are not familiar with nginx caching, we recommend that you keep the default settings.

How does nginx cache work?

How Does NGINX Determine Whether or Not to Cache Something? NGINX caches a response only if the origin server includes either the Expires header with a date and time in the future, or the Cache-Control header with the max-age directive set to a non‑zero value.

I had the exact same problem - I was running my nginx in Virtualbox. I did not have caching turned on. But looks like sendfile was set to on in nginx.conf and that was causing the problem. @kolbyjack mentioned it above in the comments.

When I turned off sendfile - it worked fine.

This is because:

Sendfile is used to ‘copy data between one file descriptor and another‘ and apparently has some real trouble when run in a virtual machine environment, or at least when run through Virtualbox. Turning this config off in nginx causes the static file to be served via a different method and your changes will be reflected immediately and without question

It is related to this bug: https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/12597

You can also bypass/re-cache on a file by file basis using

proxy_cache_bypass $http_secret_header;

and as a bonus you can return this header to see if you got it from the cache (will return 'HIT') or from the content server (will return 'BYPASS').

add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;

to expire/refresh the cached file, use curl or any rest client to make a request to the cached page.

curl http://abcdomain.com/mypage.html -s -I -H "secret-header:true"

this will return a fresh copy of the item and it will also replace what's in cache.

Unless you configured a cache zone via proxy_cache_path and then used it (for example in a location block), via: proxy_cache nothing will get cached.

If you did, however, then according to the author of nginx, simply removing all files from the cache directory is enough.

Simplest way: find /path/to/your/cache -type f -delete

You can delete cache directory of nginx or You can search specific file:

grep -lr 'http://mydomain.pl/css/myedited.css' /var/nginx/cache/*

And delete only one file to nginx refresh them.

I run a very simple bash script which takes all of 10 seconds to do the job and sends me a mail when done.

sudo service nginx stop
sudo rm -rf /var/cache/nginx/*
sudo service nginx start | mail -s "Nginx Purged" [email protected]
exit 0

There's two answers in this question.

  • One for nginx as reverse cache
  • Another for cleaning the browser cache by header input (this one)


expires modified +90d;


location ~* ^.+\.(css|js|jpg|gif|png|txt|ico|swf|xml)$ {
    access_log off;
    root /path/to/htdocs;
    expires modified +90d;

I had this problem also.

  • Could not find any nginx/cache folder
  • sendfile was off

My domain uses cloudflare.com for DNS (great service!). Aha! There it was:

cloudflare.com -> caching -> Purge Cache (I purged everything) That solved my problem!